[AISWorld] CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on "Advances in Health Education Applying E-Learning, Simulations and Distance Technologies"

maggie wang maggiemhwang at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 09:43:18 EDT 2010

Call for Papers

Special Issue on "Advances in Health Education Applying E-Learning,
Simulations and Distance Technologies"

Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)

Guest Editor

Andre W. Kushniurk, MSc, PhD

Professor, School of Health Information Science,
University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada
Email: andrek at uvic.ca

This special issue of the KM&EL international journal is dedicated to
coverage of advances in health professional education applying e-Learning,
simulations and distance education technologies. The world of healthcare is
being transformed through health information systems and e-health
innovations. This includes widespread implementation of systems such as
electronic health records, medical decision support systems, imaging
technologies and other related innovations. However, worldwide there are
serious issues regarding adoption of e-health innovations, with adoption
rates in many countries remaining at a low level despite current efforts. As
a consequence, many nations are now embarking on massive spending programs
to modernize healthcare through widespread introduction of these
technologies throughout healthcare systems. However, health professional
education has remained to catch up to include and integrate health
information systems into the daily and routine training of all health
professionals, including medical, nursing, physiotherapy, social work and
other allied health professional students. In addition, students in the area
of health informatics need access to a wide range of new health information
systems and interact with the type of systems they will ultimately be
developing for health professionals. This will be needed to ensure that
health professionals are able to work effectively and efficiently with these
new technologies, and that health informatics students will become designers
and implementers of safe and usable systems.

In this call we invite papers that describe advances in e-learning in
healthcare, educational healthcare simulations, and integration of health
information systems into health professional training. In addition, we are
interested in recent advances in distance learning technologies related to
health professional training and education. In order to ensure that the move
towards modernizing healthcare globally using health information technology
is to succeed, advances will need to be put into place to ensure that health
professional students as well as health informatics students have had a wide
range of exposure to these emerging technologies that they will encounter
with greater certainty upon graduation. How to best integrate these
technologies into their training and education in a way that is both
effective and natural is still a major research issue. In addition, the
special issue is interested in new approaches to providing health
professional students, health informatics students as well as continuing
health professional education, with distance education and remote access to
the ever growing repertoire of health information systems.

==The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* New technological approaches to health professional (e.g. medical,
nursing, physiotherapy, social work and other allied health professional)
and health informatics education

* New approaches to delivering distance health professional education,
including as use of collaborative tools, Web-based conferencing and social

* Integration of e-health and health information system applications (e.g.
electronic health records) into health professional education, as well as in
the training of health informatics students about these emerging

* Best practices for incorporating advanced health information technology
into health professional and health informatics education

* New approaches and technologies for providing distance health professional

* Best practices for delivering distance education in healthcare in health

* Use of advanced technologies such as patient simulators and computer
simulations for distance education in healthcare

* New developments, trends and approaches to e-learning and distance
education in health professional and health informatics education

This issue is designed to elicit both theoretical and applied papers that
describe efforts to apply advanced health information technology as an
enabler of health professional education. We are interested in both
theoretical and applied papers that aim to improve healthcare and
specifically healthcare professional education by applying the latest
technological advances. We would like to stimulate interest in the issues
across academia, practice, industry, research and policy and therefore we
welcome focused papers from all sectors.

* Submission due: 15th June, 2010
* Notification of acceptance: 15th September, 2010
* Publication schedule: Vol. 3, No.1, 2011


* Electronic submission by email to Guest Editor is required (andrek at uvic.ca

* Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or
presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A standard
double-blind review process will be used for selecting papers to be
published in this special issue. Authors should follow the instructions
outlined in the KM&EL Website (see URL
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