[AISWorld] Writing Stories to Explore the Ethics of Technology

John Artz jartz at gwu.edu
Fri Jul 23 22:50:04 EDT 2010

Dear Colleagues:

Since the mid 1990's I have been exploring the topic of writing stories as a means of gaining insight into the ethics of technology. While the idea seems pretty solid, the problem has been - how do you get people to write stories? I began tackling this problem a few years back in a writing class that I was teaching (and still am for that matter). Since there was no suitable text for this, I decided to write one. I have the first two sections available (The Context and How to Write Stories) on my website for free as a pdf download. If you are interested in the ethics of technology or just in how to write stories, please go to my website http://home.gwu.edu/~jartz , click on Books in Progress, and then on Writing Stories to Explore the Ethics of Technology. While you are there feel free to help yourself to anything else that looks interesting as well.


John Artz

Education is what remains after one has forgotten
everything he learned in school. -Albert Einstein
Office Hours for Spring 2009: T&R 2-4pm & 5pm-6pm
Let Me Know if You Plan to Come By
Office Location: 515E Funger Hall
John M. Artz, PhD
Associate Professor of Information Systems
Department of Information Systems
515 Funger Hall
The George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052
Visit my Home Page at http://home.gwu.edu/~jartz
Or my blog at 

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