[AISWorld] First announcement 13th AI in Medicine 2011

Mor Peleg peleg.mor at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 13:05:44 EDT 2010

First Announcement of the

13th Conference on: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

AIME 11, 2-6 July 2011

Bled, Slovenia

Web site: http://www.aimedicine.info/aime11/

The AIME 11 conference will be held in Bled, Slovenia starting from
02/07/11. AIME 11 will be a unique opportunity to present and improve the
international state of the art of AI in biomedical research from both
perspectives of methodology and application. AIME'2011 will include invited
lectures, full and short papers, tutorials, workshops, and a doctoral
consortium. The main conference will include a session dedicated to
application of AI methods in the day-to-day practice of health care. Please
see the conference web site for details.

Program Committee Chair: Mor Peleg, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

 Local Organization Chair: Nada Lavrac, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana,

 Doctoral Consortium Chair: Carlo Combi, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

Special Session on Applications Chairs: Ameen Abu-Hana, University of
Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Steen Andreassen, Aalborg University, Denmark


We are happy to announce our keynote speakers:

 Manfred Reichert, Institute of Databases and Information Systems,
University of Ulm, Germany

Andrey Rzhetsky, Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago,
Illinois, USA


Contact: Mor Peleg (*morpeleg at mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il*)


27 January 2011         Abstract Submission deadline

3 February 2011          Paper Submission deadline

4 April 2011                Notification of acceptance

22 April 2011             Camera-ready papers deadline

02-06 July 2011          AIME 07 Scientific Sessions

Original long and short papers are sought on the development of theory,
techniques, systems, and applications of AI in Medicine, including the
exploitation of AI approaches to healthcare organizational aspects, and to
molecular medicine. Contributions to theory may include presentation or
analysis of the properties of novel AI methodologies potentially useful to
solve medical problems.
Papers on techniques and methodologies should describe the development or
the extension of AI methods and their implementation, and discuss the
assumptions and limitations of the proposed methods and their novelty with
respect to the state of the art. Papers addressing systems should describe
the requirements, design and implementation of new AI-inspired tools and
systems, and discuss their applicability in the medical field. Application
papers should describe the implementation of AI systems to solve significant
medical problems, and should present sufficient information to allow
evaluation of the practical benefits of the system.

The scope of the conference includes topics such as: Knowledge Acquisition
and Management, Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
Biomedical Ontologies and Terminologies, Decision Support Systems, Neural
Networks and Belief Networks, Reasoning under Uncertainty, Temporal and
Spatial Representation and Reasoning, Case-Based Reasoning, Planning and
Scheduling, Protocols and Guidelines, Information Retrieval, Natural
Language Generation and Understanding, Biomedical Computer Vision, Imaging,
and Signal Interpretation, Intelligent Agents, Telemedicine and Cooperative
Systems, Cognitive Modeling, Healthcare Process Management


Contact: Ameen Abu-Hana (*a.abu-hanna at amc.uva.nl*) and Steen Andreassen (
sa at hst.aau.dk)

Much of the literature on AI in Medicine pertains to the question “Does the
system work?” while the questions “Does it help?” and “Why it succeeds or
fails?” receive far less attention. This session is dedicated to two kinds
of papers addressing these latter two questions. In particular the two types
of papers are sought: papers on substantial fielded applications that
improve clinical care and papers on important lessons learned by research
teams developing and implementing applications or series of applications in
clinical practice.

Authors should specifically submit to this track (the submission system will
provide a way to indicate this). Only long papers should be submitted in
order to adequately assess their merit. The length and layout of the papers
in the track is exactly the same as any other AIME paper. The papers are
initially reviewed for this track by the session organizers. Dates for
notification are the same as for papers for papers in the regular track.
Papers in this session, like the other AIME papers, are eligible for
selection in the planned journal special issue.


Contact: Mor Peleg (*morpeleg at mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il*)


27 January 2011         Deadline for proposals

10 February 2011       Notification of acceptance

22 April 2011              Camera-ready materials

02 Jul 2011                  Tutorials at AIME 07

06 Jul 2011                  Workshops at AIME 07

Workshops will address selected technical topics. They should have an
informal atmosphere and will last for half or a whole day with ample time
allotted for general discussion. A workshop will typically attract 20 to 40
participants. Tutorials focus on topics relating to theoretical and applied
aspects of AI in medicine. They will last for 4 hours and will typically
attract up to 20 participants.


Contact: Carlo Combi (carlo.combi at univr.it)


07 March 2011             Paper submission deadline

08 April 2011               Notification of acceptance

22 April  2011              Camera-ready papers deadline

02 July 2011                 Doctoral Consortium at AIME 11

The aim of the AIME 2011 Doctoral Consortium is to support the research done
by doctoral students with constructive remarks and feedback from prominent
scientists in the AIM field. The DC provides a forum for students to present
their current research and receive feedback from other students and senior
researchers; It facilitates networking among Ph.D. students and senior
researchers working in the same area; and it supports students with
information on academic, research, and industrial careers.

The event will be an ‘advice-giving’ session rather than an opportunity for
doctoral students to present finished work. The focus will be on the early
stages of the PhD work. Therefore the consortium will elicit submissions
consisting of work plans rather than "papers". The number of selected papers
is limited to only 6. The event will include a tutorial which will be of
common interest.


Raza Abidi, Canada

Ameen Abu-Hanna, The Netherlands (Special session co-chair)

Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Austria

Steen Andreassen, Denmark (Special session co-chair)

Pedro Barahona, Portugal

Riccardo Bellazzi, Italy

Petr Berka, Czech Republic

Isabelle Bichindaritz, USA

Aziz Boxwala, USA

Pal de Clercq, The Netherlands

Carlo Combi, Italy (Doctoral Consortium Chair)

Michel Dojat, France

Henrik Eriksson, Sweden

Catherine Garbay, France

Adela Grando, UK

Peter Haddawy, Macau

Arie Hasman, The Netherlands

Reinhold Haux, Germany

John Holmes, USA

Werner Horn, Austria

Jim Hunter, UK

Hidde de Jong, France

Elpida Keravnou, Cyprus

Pedro Larranaga, Spain

Nada Lavrac, Slovenia (Local Chair)

Johan van der Lei, The Netherlands

Xiaohui Liu, UK

Peter Lucas, The Netherlands

Roque Marin, Spain

Michael Marschollek, Germany

Paola Mello, Italy

Gloria Menegaz, Italy

Silvia Miksch, Austria

Stefania Montani, Italy

Mark Musen, USA

Barbara Oliboni, Italy

Niels Peek, The Netherlands

Mor Peleg, Israel (Scientific Chair)

Christian Popow, Austria

Silvana Quaglini, Italy

Marco Ramoni, USA

Alan Rector, UK

Stephen Rees, Denmark

Daniel Rubin, USA

Lucia Sacchi, Italy

Rainer Schmidt, Germany

Brigitte Seroussi, France

Yuval Shahar, Israel

Basilio Sierra, Spain

Costas Spyropoulos, Greece

Mario Stefanelli, Italy

Paolo Terenziani, Italy

Samson Tu, USA

Allan Tucker, UK

Frans Voorbraak, The Netherlands

Dongwen Wang, USA

Blaz Zupan, Slovenia

Pierre Zweigenbaum, France


Program Committee Chair: Mor Peleg, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

Local Organization Chair: Nada Lavrac, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana,

Doctoral Consortium Chair: Carlo Combi, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

Special Session on Applications Chairs: Ameen Abu-Hana, University of
Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Steen Andreassen, Aalborg University, Denmark


Tina Anzic

Damjan Demsar

Miha Grcar

Matjaz Jursic

Petra Kralj Novak

Dragana Miljkovic

Vid Podpecan

Borut Sluban

Mor Peleg, PhD
Head, Department of Management Information Systems
University of Haifa, 31905, Israel
Email: morpeleg at mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il
URL: http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/~morpeleg/
Phone: 972-4-824-9641
Fax: 972-4-828-8522
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