[AISWorld] CFP: Deadline extension for pre-ICIS2010 HCI workshop

Dezhi Wu dezhi.wu at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 14:50:24 EDT 2010

***Apologies for cross-posting***

Due to several requests, we have decided to extend pre-ICIS 2010 HCI
workshop paper submission deadline till August 29, 2010.



HCI/MIS 2010

The Ninth Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS Sponsored by AIS
SIGHCI (http://sigs.aisnet.org/sighci/<https://exchange-01.ad.wichita.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=6b47896a5a3f4f2b99218b28c7222311&URL=http%3a%2f%2fsigs.aisnet.org%2fsighci%2f>

*** Sunday, December 12, 2010 (One day workshop) St. Louis, Missouri ***



- Submissions Due: August 29, 2010

- Acceptance Notification: October 5, 2010

- Extended Abstracts Due for Proceedings: October 19, 2010

- Workshop: December 12, 2010

Building upon past successes of the pre-ICIS HCI/MIS workshops as well as
the tremendous interest in broad HCI issues exhibited by MIS colleagues, the
AIS SIGHCI will hold its ninth annual pre-ICIS HCI/MIS research workshop
prior to ICIS 2010 in St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday, December 12, 2010.


The objective of the workshop is to provide an open and constructive
discussion forum of important HCI research in Information Systems that
addresses the ways humans interact with information, technologies, and tasks
- especially in business, managerial, organizational, social and/or cultural
contexts. HCI in MIS is concerned with the macro level (versus the micro
level) of Human-Computer Interaction analysis.


The best, completed research papers from the workshop will be fast-tracked
for publication consideration in the Journal of the Association for
Information Systems (JAIS) - http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/ and AIS
Transaction on Human Computer Interaction (THCI) -


The workshop will be accepting high quality research papers (completed
research or research-in-progress papers) and posters that describe novel,
early, and creative research ideas. The submissions should not be currently
under review elsewhere and the papers/posters should have not appeared

Maximum length: Completed research papers, research-in-progress papers, and
posters must not exceed 14, 7, and 3 single-spaced pages, respectively. The
page limit includes all text, figures, and tables, but does not include the
cover page, abstract, keywords, and references.

File Formats: Only Word file formats will be accepted. All submissions must
be formatted for 8.5 x 11 inch paper (1 inch = 2.5 cm) and have

1 inch margins all around. Please use Times New Roman 12-point font with
single spacing for the body of the paper. The first page of the manuscript
should have a title, the type of the submission (complete research, research
in progress, or poster), total word count of the submission, an abstract of
150 words or less, and a list of 5-6 keywords.

Submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. Authors should agree
to provide timely reviews of at most two other submissions, if requested.
Manuscripts should be in MS Word format and be submitted as email
attachments to the workshop program co-chairs (see below) with the subject
heading "HCI/MIS workshop submission." Authors can use the body of the email
as the cover letter for the submission and should ensure that their
identities do not appear in any part of the manuscript.


Workshop Co-chairs:

- Dezhi Wu, Southern Utah University, (wu at suu.edu)

- Horst Treiblmaier, Vienna University of Business Administration and
Economics, (horst.treiblmaier at WU-WIEN.AC.AT<https://exchange-01.ad.wichita.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=6b47896a5a3f4f2b99218b28c7222311&URL=mailto%3ahorst.treiblmaier%40WU-WIEN.AC.AT>

Program Co-chairs:

- Hock Chuan, National University of Singapore,
(chanhc at comp.nus.edu.sg<https://exchange-01.ad.wichita.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=6b47896a5a3f4f2b99218b28c7222311&URL=mailto%3achanhc%40comp.nus.edu.sg>

- Xiaowen Fang, DePaul University,
(XFang at cti.depaul.edu<https://exchange-01.ad.wichita.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=6b47896a5a3f4f2b99218b28c7222311&URL=mailto%3aXFang%40cti.depaul.edu>

- Richard Johnson, University at Albany – State University of New York, (
RJohnson at uamail.albany.edu<https://exchange-01.ad.wichita.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=6b47896a5a3f4f2b99218b28c7222311&URL=mailto%3aRJohnson%40uamail.albany.edu>

Local Arrangement Committee:

- Soussan Djamasbi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, (djamasbi at wpi.edu)

- Andrea Everard, University of Delaware, (aeverard at udel.edu)

- Alexandra Durcikova, University of Arizona, (alex at eller.arizona.edu)

Please contact the workshop co-chairs for additional workshop information.


*Dr. Dezhi Wu (SIGHCI Chair)*

Assistant Professor of Information Systems

Computer Science & Information Systems Dept.

Southern Utah University

ELC 415, 351 University Blv.

Cedar City, UT 84720, USA

Phone: 435-865-8399

Email: wu at suu.edu


*Dr. Horst Treiblmaier*

Associate Professor

Institute for Management Information Systems

WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Augasse 2-6

A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone: 43-1-31336-4480

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