[AISWorld] Syllabi for Qualitative Course Where Students Do A Qualitative Research Project

Koch, Hope W. Hope_Koch at baylor.edu
Sat Sep 25 13:05:47 EDT 2010

Dear Colleagues:

I am preparing a syllabus for a Qualitative course that will involve collecting date, getting an IRB approved, coding data and writing the results.  If you have a syllabus for a similar course can you post it at the following location https://bearspace.baylor.edu/xythoswfs/webui/_xy-5314038_1-t_sTjC5ynp or if that doesn't work email it to me.  I have looked at the qualitative page on IS World and it is very helpful.

I will make all the syllabi available to the list.

With warmth,

Hope Koch, CPA MBA PhD
Associate Professor and Career Development Director
Baylor University, Information Systems Program<http://www.baylor.edu/business/mis/>
1 Bear Place #98005, Waco, TX 76798-8005
Phone:  254-710-4071

Apply for the leadership class <http://www.baylor.edu/business/mis/index.php?id=67404> today!  Compete in the Imagine Cup <http://www.imaginecup.us/> and take an all-expense paid trip to participate in Warren Buffett's <http://www2.baylor.edu/baylorproud/2010/03/business-students-participate-in-qa-with-billionaire-buffett/> prestigious Q&A session.

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