[AISWorld] An advanced course in Supply Chain Management

Jeet Gupta guptaj at uah.edu
Sat Sep 25 15:09:52 EDT 2010

Dear Colleagues:

I am in the process of developing an advanced course in Supply Chain 
Management (SCM) that includes the following:

1.  Research methodologies in SCM

2.  Supply Chain Strategy including Strategic Alliances

3.  Contemporary Research Topics in SCM

I would appreciate receiving any course outlines of similar courses 
that you may know of or have developed and taught.  In addition, I 
would also appreciate how to approach such a course and what subject 
material is available for such a course.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I look forward to receiving your responses which I would summarize and post.

Best regards,

Jatinder (Jeet) N. D. Gupta, PhD
Eminent Scholar and Professor
College of Business Administration
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35899
Phone: 256-824-6593 (office)
            256-288-0150 (home)
FAX:    256-824-4339
E-mail: guptaj at uah.edu

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