[AISWorld] Position as professor / Senior Lecturer in Computer and Systems Science

Ann Hägerfors Ann.Hagerfors at ltu.se
Tue Sep 28 02:38:45 EDT 2010

Professor / Senior Lecturer in Computer and Systems Science, ref.no 1819-10

The Department of Computer Science is responsible for the Systems Science programme, and the international Master's programme in digital preservation and the international Master's programme in information security. All teaching is conducted as combined campus/distance teaching. Teaching at Master's level is carried out in English. The research on the department focuses mainly within two research areas; long-term digital preservation and information security.

Subject description

Computer and Systems Science is a broad methodological and technical subject which encompasses all aspects of specification design, construction, operations, usage and administration of IT systems in the broadest sense.

Work assignments

The professor/senior lecturer is responsible for and will be participating in the development and implementation of courses, in particular within the Master's programmes - digital preservation and information security. The position also includes the supervision of doctoral students and Master's students and own research. The position means that the professor/senior lecturer is expected to actively participate in and to carry out research within the department's research areas, and to play an active role in the application for external research funding. The research work will contribute to the development of knowledge within current and central areas on the department.

Eligibility requirements in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance:

A person who has demonstrated scientific and pedagogical skills is qualified to be appointed as a professor. The person who on the one hand has completed his/her doctoral studies or has the equivalent scientific competence or any other skills that are of importance with respect to the position's subject content and the work assignments that form a part of the employment, and on the other hand has completed higher education training or obtained equivalent skills in other ways, and has shown teaching skills is a person who is qualified to be appointed as a university professor. Equal attention will be paid to the examination of teaching skills as to scientific skills.

The following grounds of assessment apply for the position:

·         Scientific skills which comprise of a minimum qualification as an Associate Professor

·         Teaching skills

 Other grounds for assessment

·         Documented experience of the supervision of doctoral students and/or Master's work

·         Documented experience of leading or participating in research groups

·         Documented experience of work with external research grants

·         Good communication skills and the ability to cooperate

If one sex is underrepresented, preference will be given to applicants in the underrepresented sex that have the same qualifications.

Further information

For further information about the position, please contact Ann Hägerfors professor and subject representative, call +46 920-49 10 24 alternatively e-mail: Ann.Hagerfors at ltu.se<mailto:Ann.Hagerfors at ltu.se>


Please send your application to Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU), Registrator, 971 87 Luleå. The reference number 1819-10 should be indicated on the application. Enclose the scientific work which the applicant primarily wants to use as support for his/her application. The application must be submitted in three separate sets.

We would prefer that the applicant follows the application template:    http://www.ltu.se/omltu/ledigajobb/d1922/1.8898

We would like to have your application no later than 15 November 2010

For more information:
- about the division, education and research - http://www.ltu.se/inst/ies/systemvetenskap?l=en
- about the university - http://www.ltu.se/?l=en

Luleå University of Technology is the northernmost university of technology in Scandinavia and with world-class research and education. Our strength lies in our cooperation with companies and with rest of the world around us. Our contact with companies and society help us develop research and education that satisfy the demands that the world around makes on us and our students.

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