[AISWorld] Vacancy: Research Assistant/PhD Position in an EU FP7 integrating project on Policy and Security Configuration Management (POSECCO)

Ronald MAIER Ronald.Maier at uibk.ac.at
Tue Oct 5 06:21:28 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,


Please find enclosed the description of a research assistant/PhD
position that we are happy to have created due to a large project we
acquired. Please could you be so kind to forward this e-mail to
interested individuals.


Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,


Ronald Maier.


In collaboration with several partners from academia and industry, the
Innsbruck Information Systems (IIS) group of the Innsbruck University
School of Management currently embarks on a highly competitive EU FP7
integrating project. The IIS group is now looking for prospective PhD
students interested in the areas of research that will be elaborated
within the scope of the project and willing to get involved in a
determined and well-networked information systems research group located
in Innsbruck, Austria. The PhD positions will be embedded in the POSECCO
project which just started in October 2010 and is scheduled for 36


The POSECCO project proceeds on the assumption that today's shortcomings
with regard to policy and security configuration management impact
trustworthiness, compliance and profitability of Internet applications.
Core activities are creating and maintaining consistent security
policies and their correct and traceable enforcement by security
configurations of all infrastructure elements. The project's vision is
to establish and maintain a consistent, transparent, sustainable and
traceable link between high-level, business-driven security and
compliance requirements on the one side and low-level technical
configuration settings of individual infrastructure elements on the
other side. Such an end-to-end link shall be maintained in operating
conditions, i.e., considering a constant evolution caused by new or
changing security and compliance requirements as well as a continuously
changing landscape. It is intended to maintain this end-to-end link by
automated means where possible and to offer decision support where human
interaction is inevitable.


The technical research work conducted within the scope of the POSECCO
project is complemented by a business-focused work package that
investigates organizational processes putting particular emphasis on the
involved stakeholders, their information needs, usability aspects and
cost/benefit issues. This work package is led by the IIS group. Among
others, the IIS group will conduct an empirical study in close
cooperation with other project partners with the purpose of better
understanding the end-user requirements with respect to policy and
security configuration management and develop and measure KPIs for the
project evaluation as well as for the discussion of the economic
viability of the project outcomes.


A suitable candidate:

*         has a Master's degree in information systems, business
administration, computer science or a comparable field.

*         has the ambition to complete a high-quality PhD project within
3 years.

*         has a strong research mindset.

*         speaks and writes fluently in English.

*         likes to work in an international setting.


To find out more about the IIS group, please watch the short
presentation video available on YouTube
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1RNRNeLZHg> ) or visit the research
group's website (http://www.uibk.ac.at/iwi/ <http://www.uibk.ac.at/iwi/>


The IIS group offers temporary contracts for 3 years, preferably
full-time. Recruitment is carried out in accordance to the laws and
regulations applicable to the University of Innsbruck.


To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application
to daniel.bachlechner at uibk.ac.at.




Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier

Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck

School of Management

Information Systems


Universitaetsstrasse 15

A-6020 Innsbruck



Tel.: +43-512-507-38001

Fax: +43-512-507-38099


Email: ronald.maier at uibk.ac.at <mailto:ronald.maier at uibk.ac.at> 

WWW: http://www.uibk.ac.at/iwi/ <http://www.uibk.ac.at/iwi/> 


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