[AISWorld] ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference Submission Deadline Extended Until November 7, 2010

Jeria Quesenberry jeriaq at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Oct 14 13:07:03 EDT 2010

****** ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference Submission Deadline Extended Until November
7, 2010 *******

Apologies for multiple postings


Call for Papers: ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research 2011

Mind the Gap:  Preparing, Recruiting, and Retaining IT Professionals in
Today's Evolving Environment 


San Antonio, Texas

The Westin Riverwalk Hotel        

May 19-21, 2011



Paper submission:                                           7 November 2010

Notification of acceptance:                          23 January 2011

Camera-ready papers:                                   20 February 2011


Conference Theme

Today's competitive and dynamic information-based global society has created
a gap between the available supply of information technology (IT)
professionals and the demand for their skills and talents.  Subsequently,
practitioners and researchers are challenged with addressing this gap
through the preparation, recruitment and retention of IT professionals.
>From an individual perspective, questions remain about the skill and
knowledge requirements necessary to secure employment in an evolving
environment (skills gap).  From an educational perspective, programs are
attempting to increase student enrollments despite dwindling funding and the
recent economics crisis (enrollment and funding gaps).  From an IT
profession perspective, organizations continue to struggle to adequately
manage their talent, provide career development and plan for succession as
the baby boomers begin to retire (recruitment and retention gaps).  Given
these many challenges, the ACM SIGMIS CPR 2011 conference aims to consider
how theory and research can help to predict events, elucidate factors and
address the gaps facing the current information-based global society.


List of Relevant Topics

ACM SIGMIS CPR 2011 welcomes research and practice submissions that address
issues congruent with the conference theme. ACM SIGMIS CPR 2011 also
welcomes submissions on traditional topics related to the IT workforce.
These topics include, but are not limited to:

.             Career development practices of IT professionals

.             Professional or occupational commitment in IT

.             Motivations of computer personnel

.             The knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the coming

.             Role profiles; job profiles

.             Work satisfaction and staff turnover in IT              

.             The roles of culture (organizational, occupational or
societal) in IT and IT work

.             Diversity and cultural issues in the development, attraction
and retention of IT professionals

.             Increasing IT enrollments, especially of females into IT

.             IS curriculum issues and trends

.             Ethical and security issues


Doctoral Consortium

A special doctoral consortium will take place on the day prior to the
conference. This doctoral consortium is targeted at students who are at an
early stage of their dissertation proposal-writing, and who are conducting
research on a computer personnel research (CPR) topic. The purpose of the
consortium is two-fold: 1) provide feedback and guidance to students on
their proposal while at a stage where feedback can be considered for future
dissertation work and 2) provide mentoring and networking opportunities to
students who wish to pursue careers as CPR researchers.  Doctoral students
must be nominated to the consortium by a faculty sponsor. Students nominated
for the consortium should submit a 10 page research proposal (including all
text, figures, and references) to be reviewed by a panel of highly qualified
senior faculty mentors.  The 3-5 students selected to participate in the
doctoral consortium will receive two rounds of written feedback on their
proposal.  In San Antonio, each student will have 40-60 minutes to present
their research ideas and receive feedback in-person from six-to-eight
experienced CPR researchers.  Additional information, including submission
deadlines, can be found at http://www.sigmis.org.  


Format of Submissions

ACM SIGMIS 2011 welcomes completed research papers, research-in-progress
papers, industry case studies, or proposals for panel discussions or
tutorials. All papers must be original, unpublished elsewhere, and in the
style of MIS Quarterly.  All submissions will be blind reviewed.  

.             Completed research papers must not exceed 5000 words or 28
double-spaced pages including all text, figures, and tables. The cover page,
abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.

.             Research-in-progress papers must not exceed 2000 words or 14
double-spaced pages including all text, figures, and tables. The cover page,
abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this page count.

.             Panel and tutorial proposals must include the names and
affiliations of panelists who have agreed to participate and a 1-2 page
summary of the topic, including a description of how the session will be

.             Industry case studies may report specific strategies being
employed or under development to address CPR issues and should be no longer
than 3500 words. 

Details on the types of submissions, and the submission and review processes
can be found at: http://www.sigmis.org.  Papers should be submitted online
at:  http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acmsigmis2011. 



Accepted papers will be published by ACM in the refereed conference
proceedings which will be distributed at the conference. Full papers will be
published in their entirety. Extended abstracts will be published for panel
discussions and research-in-progress papers. All presented papers will be
considered for the Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year
Award. Exemplar papers may also be invited for publication in the DATA BASE
for Advances in Information Systems - the quarterly journal publication of
ACM SIGMIS.  Proceedings of all previous CPR conferences are available in
the ACM Digital Library at http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm.


Conference Location

The conference will be held at the Westin Hotel in the scenic Riverwalk area
of San Antonio, Texas.


Conference Organization


Conference Chairs:

Deborah J. Armstrong, Florida State University (djarmstrong at cob.fsu.edu)

Cindy Riemenschneider, Baylor University (c_riemenschneider at baylor.edu) 


Program Chairs:

Haiyan Huang, Michigan Technological University (haiyan.huang at gmail.com) 

Jeria Quesenberry, Carnegie Mellon University (jquesenberry at cmu.edu) 


Local Arrangements Chair:

John Warren, University of Texas, San Antonio (John.Warren at utsa.edu)



Indira Guzman de Galvez, TUI University, California (iguzman at tuiu.edu) 



Nita Brooks, Middle Tennessee State University (jgbrooks at mtsu.edu) 


Doctoral Consortium Chairs:

Pamela Carter, North Carolina A&T State University (pecarter at ncat.edu) 

Andreas Eckhardt, Goethe University Frankfurt (eckhardt at is-frankfurt.de) 


Further details may be found at the conference website:

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