Sandra Gonzalez Cisaro sagonci at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 09:35:32 EST 2010


*Proposal Submission Deadline: December 5, 2010*

*Ontologies-Driven Web Mining: Concepts and Techniques*

A book edited by Hector Oscar Nigro and Sandra Elizabeth Gonzalez Císaro

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

*The bulk of this manuscript is already complete, but we are seeking a few
additional chapters. The book will be published by IGI Global in 2011.*


Semantic Web mining is a rapidly advancing field, combining recent advances
in Semantic Web and Web mining. Use of ontologies is important for Semantic
Web technologies and methods, since knowledge produced by ontologies helps
define the structure and scope for Web content mining and can be used to
improve the process and the results of mining. Learning ontologies and/or
their concepts is both challenging and necessary when creating scalable
solutions for a wide range of Semantic Web technologies.

Recent applications which exploit the interactions between ontologies and
Web mining are being developed for sentiment analysis, opinion mining, and
affective computing; search engine optimization and Web positioning; and Web
intelligence (WI), the interactions between advanced engineering, advanced
information technology (IT), and artificial intelligence (AI).

* *

*Objective of the Book*

This publication should describe state-of-the-art approaches, innovative
theoretical supports, advanced and successful implementations, as well as
the latest empirical research findings in ontologies-driven Web mining. The
book will contain original academic or industrial work in the form of high
quality, scientific papers. The key objective is to provide Web mining
students, practitioners, professionals, professors, and researchers with an
integral vision of the topic, specifically focusing on those areas that
explore new methodologies or examine real case studies—all of them

*Target Audience*

The target audience of this book will be composed of readers who wish to
learn how to apply ontologies-driven Web mining to real world problems. The
purpose is to show users how to go from theory and algorithms to real

The book will present to students, practitioners, professionals, professors,
and researchers basic concepts in data mining and Web mining. Information
technology researchers and practitioners can increase their knowledge and
skills with these new techniques. This book can be used as a library
reference, upper-level course supplement, or for postgraduate courses.

*Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:*

* *

·        Theoretical foundations of Web mining using an ontologies-based

·        Ontologies in Web mining processes

·        Ontology-based interpretation and validation of mined knowledge

·        Intelligent assistants for Web mining with ontologies

·        Interaction from ontologies to Web mining

·        Knowledge grids and Web mining ontology

·        Search engine optimization using ontologies

·        Web positioning and inductive learning

·        Opinion mining with ontologies

·        Ontologies and Web intelligence (WI)

·        Sentiment analysis

·        Affective computing

·        Ontologies and intelligent social networks

·        Engineering knowledge, representation, planning, discovery, and
data extraction for ontology-driving Web mining

·        Real case studies which implement ontologies-based Web mining

* *

For example, already accepted chapters discuss topics including ontologies
in tourism, socially-constructed knowledge in Web optimization, and an
application for identifying polarized Wikipedia articles.

* *

*Submission Procedure*

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit *on or before December
5, 2010, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will
be notified by December 20, 2010* about the status of their proposals and
sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by
15, 2011*. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review
basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group
Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science
Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This
publication is scheduled for release in 2011.

*Important Dates*

We would like all items as soon as possible, and are willing to accelerate
the schedule. But here’s an example timeline:

*December 5, 2010:    *Proposal Submission Deadline

*December 20, 2010:  *Notification of Acceptance

*February 15, 2011:    *Full Chapter Submission

*March 30, 2011:        *Review Results Returned

*April 30, 2011:           *Final Chapter Submission

*May 28, 2011:           *Final Deadline

* *

*Editorial Advisory Board Members:*

Marie-Aude Aufaure. Ecole Centrale Paris, France

Mario Cannataro. University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro, Italy

James Geller. New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Vasant Honavar. Iowa State University, USA

Gian Piero Zarri. University Paris-Est., France

* *

*Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document)
or by mail to:*

* *

*Hector Oscar Nigro or Sandra Elizabeth González Císaro*

*INTIA- Department of Computer Sciences*

*Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina*

*Paraje Arroyo Seco. Campus Universitario. B7001BBO Tandil, Buenos Aires,

*Phone**: 54-2293-** **439680***

*Fax: 54-2293-** 439681*

*E-mail: *dmontolo at exa.unicen.edu.ar  please write with copy to
sagonci at gmail.com

* *

*For further details please visit the book Web page*:
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