[AISWorld] AISWorld Digest, Vol 14, Issue 9

Paul Ralph paul at paulralph.name
Thu Dec 9 13:06:47 EST 2010

Check out the ECIS stuff on contrarian viewpoints.

Paul Ralph
Lancaster University

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 6:00 PM, <aisworld-request at lists.aisnet.org> wrote:

> Send AISWorld mailing list submissions to
>        aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>        http://lists.aisnet.org/mailman/listinfo/aisworld_lists.aisnet.org
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>        aisworld-request at lists.aisnet.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>        aisworld-owner at lists.aisnet.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of AISWorld digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. CFP: iConference 2011 Workshop on Protecting Adolescent
>      Online Safety (Heng Xu)
>   2. Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Scandinavian Journal of
>      Information Systems (SJIS) on IT Project Management (Alanah Mitchell)
>   3. CFP: IS for the Non-Profit Sector (Roderick Lee)
>   4. ICIS SIG SAND (Systems Analysis And Design) meeting on    Dec 13
>      (Vijay Khatri)
>   5. AMICS 2011 CFP: Beyond Use: Examining the outcomes of     System
>      Use (Lionel P. Robert Jr.)
>   6. University of Maryland College Park VP and CIO Search (Ping Wang)
>   7. SIGPhilosophy meeting at ICIS 2010 (Nik Hassan)
>   8. Post-doc position at WPI (Strong, Diane M.)
>   9. Journal of Decision Systems - Volume 19 - No. 4/2010
>      (Adam, Frederic)
>  10. Vol.2, No.4, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An
>      International Journal (KM&EL) (maggie wang)
>  11. BPM 2011 - Call for Workshop Proposals (Florian Daniel)
>  12. special issue in IET Software on Web and Requirements
>      Engineering (Irene Garrig?s)
>  13. IT-enabled accelerated trade - FREE resources and christmas
>      video (Niels Bj?rn-Andersen)
>  14. Free articles for downloading from EJIS (Richard Baskerville)
>  15. AMCIS 2011 CFP: Green IS/IT: Organizational Awareness,
>      Readiness, and Competitiveness Minitrack (Joseph Sarkis)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 14:40:02 -0500
> From: "Heng Xu" <hxu at ist.psu.edu>
> To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: iConference 2011 Workshop on Protecting
>        Adolescent      Online Safety
> Message-ID: <4FF112B56F9F2C498458084D567DB3CF039D9FEC at EMAIL.ist.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> iConference 2011 Workshop on Protecting Adolescent Online Safety,
> Seattle, USA | February 8, 2011
> URL: http://pal.ist.psu.edu/iconf2011paos/
> As the new nexus of teens' online experience, social networking sites
> such as MySpace.com and Facebook.com are the focus of widespread
> parents' and lawmakers' worries about teens' online safety. In extreme
> circumstances, teens' involvement with social networking sites may place
> them in danger and seriously jeopardize their life. For instance, Megan
> Meier, a 13-year-old girl, committed suicide after being targeted in a
> MySpace hoax.
> The general objective of this workshop is to address the acute
> challenges of protecting adolescent online safety. While there has been
> considerable rigor undertaken with regards to the development of the
> various technical approaches toward protecting children's online safety,
> the social or human nuances and consequences of these approaches have
> received relatively minor attention. In this workshop, participants will
> discuss issues and challenges associated with the adolescents' online
> behaviors, parental mediations, educational interventions, and
> technological design implications. Participants will be encouraged to
> submit papers for a special issue
> <http://pal.ist.psu.edu/iconf2011paos/icst_cfp.pdf>  of the ICST
> Transactions on Security and Safety
> <http://icst.org/security-and-safety/>  (ISSN: 2032-9393).
> Themes
> In the workshop, we will have presentations by workshop participants to
> develop a shared understanding of the problems we try to address, have
> an overview of research approaches used to address these problems, and
> identify crucial issues to explore. Suggested discussion topics include,
> but are not limited to:
>    * Defining online privacy, risk, security, and safety for the
> adolescent cohort
>    * Online safety challenges and protection mechanisms for the
> adolescent cohort
>    * User mental models and behavioral dynamics (for adolescents and
> parents)
>    * Tools or applications that support online safety for the
> adolescent cohort
>    * User awareness and training (for adolescents and parents)
>    * Parental mediations
> Call for Participation
> If you are interested in participating in this workshop, you can either
> 1) submit soapbox topics, or 2) submit a position paper by email to hxu
> AT ist.psu.edu by January 24, 2011.
> 1)      Soapbox topics: There will be a section called Soapbox Madness
> which is a series of brief discussions on topics presented by the
> participants. For your submissions of soapbox topics, think of the
> issues or ideas about Youth Online Safety that are motivating you and/or
> capturing your attention. Write down just a few sentences for up to five
> soapbox topics (see above section of Themes for sample topics), explain
> why you think this area might be important to you, and submit by email
> to hxu AT ist.psu.edu. During the workshop, participants will be given
> three minutes to present their soapbox topics.
> 2)      Position papers: If you want to contribute a 2-4 page position
> paper (CHI extended abstract format
> <http://www.chi2010.org/authors/format.html> ), please describe your
> area of research, and future directions you see research in this space
> taking. Your submission should be emailed in a common format (e.g. PDF,
> Word or HTML) to hxu AT ist.psu.edu. During the workshop, participants
> will be given seven minutes to present their position papers, followed
> by five minutes for questions and discussions. We may adjust the timing
> to accommodate the number of participants.
> The workshop organizers will review the position papers and soapbox
> topics for pertinence to the workshop theme, general interest and
> quality. Space constraints may limit the number of participants. The
> organizers will distribute soft-copies of the position papers and
> soapbox topics to all participants by January 28, 2011. Participants are
> strongly encouraged to read all materials before the workshop.
> Organizers: Heng Xu and John M. Carroll (The Pennsylvania State
> University, University Park)
> Heng Xu | Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology |
> PNC Technologies Career Development Professorship | The Pennsylvania
> State University | 307C IST Building | University Park, PA 16802 |
> Office: 814-867-0469 | Fax: 814-865-6426 | URL:
> http://faculty.ist.psu.edu/xu/ <http://faculty.ist.psu.edu/xu/>
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 10:27:47 -0500
> From: Alanah Mitchell <mitchellaj at appstate.edu>
> Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Scandinavian
>        Journal of Information Systems (SJIS) on IT Project Management
> Message-ID:
>        <AANLkTimL9-hV8kyQ=EwGONS84qRs_Mh4-NQV4ad5YtVC at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Scandinavian Journal of
> Information Systems (SJIS) on IT Project Management
> Sponsored by the Association for Information Systems Special Interest
> Group on IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt)
> Information technology project management research has evolved from
> engineering disciplines.  Certain aspects of managing information
> technology projects present challenges that are different from other
> types of projects undertaken by an organization.  Furthermore, given
> the large expense taken by organizations to implement both hardware
> and software within the firm, organizations want better techniques and
> knowledge about how to manage these projects.  This special issue
> solicits research in IT project management that focuses on problems
> that cover a large range of topics that cut across many IT areas.
> Themes that could be explored, but are not restricted to, include:
> ?       virtual project management
> ?       agile project management
> ?       knowledge networks
> ?       project management methodologies
> ?       distributed project management
> ?       project leadership
> ?       project quality metrics
> ?       project management standards
> ?       best practices in project management
> ?        project success
> Special Issue Editors
> Submissions to the special issue should be sent to both of the Special
> Issue Editors:
> ?       Deepak Khazanchi, University of Nebraska at Omaha,
> khazanchi at unomaha.edu
> ?       Stacie Petter, University of Nebraska at Omaha,
> spetter at unomaha.edu
> Important Dates
> ?       January 31, 2011: Submission deadline
> ?       March 30, 2011: First round of decisions based on SJIS reviewer
> recommendations
> ?       May 31, 2011: Revisions due
> ?       July 31, 2011: Second round decisions based on SJIS reviewer
> recommendations
> ?       September 30, 2011: Second round revisions due
> ?       October 31, 2011: Camera-ready version submitted
> ?       December 2011: Special issue publication date
> SJIS Format Requirements
> Authors must submit original manuscripts in MS Word format, double
> spaced. Submissions should not exceed 10,000 words, including
> abstract, references and appendices. References should be complete
> with all necessary bibliographic data. In-line citations should be in
> author-year format (Author Year). Upon acceptance of the manuscript,
> detailed guidelines for preparing a camera ready version of the
> manuscript will be sent to the authors.
> Additional SJIS information and previously published papers can be
> obtained at http://iris.cs.aau.dk/index.php/special.html.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 16:46:19 -0500
> From: "Roderick Lee" <rlee at psu.edu>
> To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: IS for the Non-Profit Sector
> Message-ID: <000b01cb9721$5977ced0$0c676c70$@psu.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Call for Papers
> 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems
> August 4-7, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA
> Track: Enterprise Systems & Organizational Issues in IS
> Mini Track: IS for the Non-Profit Sector
> Description
> The non-profit sector represents a substantial part of the US economy (5%
> of
> the GDP). While the penetration of information systems and information
> technologies (IS/IT) among non-profit organizations has been increasing,
> studies have consistently shown that non-profits lag behind their
> counterparts in the private and public sectors with respect to IS/IT
> adoption and strategic use. This phenomenon has been coined the
> organizational digital divide - the inequalities between organizations in
> society that can strategically use IS/IT to advance their mission and those
> that cannot.
> The non-profit sector in the United States consists of over 1.5 million
> organizations. In response to the economic recession, these non-profits are
> increasingly being called upon to provide essential programs and services
> that the public and private sectors cannot or will not provide.  However,
> the current operating environment of the non-profit sector has become
> increasingly more complex and challenging. While some non-profit
> organizations have benefited from new advances in IS/IT, many struggle to
> manage their technical infrastructures. These challenges bring great
> opportunities for IS research and practice.
> The purpose of this mini-track is to provide researchers with a forum for
> presentation and discussion of the key issues and challenges related to the
> adoption and strategic use of IS/IT by non-profit organizations. Authors
> are
> encouraged to submit papers on IS/IT issues within the non-profit context.
> Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:
> .       Theoretical perspectives and frameworks describing the
> organizational digital divide.
> .       Barriers to IS/IT diffusion and adoption among non-profit
> organizations.
> .       IS/IT planning and management in non-profit organizations.
> .       Design, implementation, and use of IS/IT to improve non-profit
> organizations' social mission.
> .       Strategic uses of IS/IT among nonprofit organizations.
> .       Alignment of IS/IT strategy and non-profit organization's social
> mission.
> .       Measuring effectiveness of IS/IT use in nonprofit organizations.
> .       Issues related to improving sustainable practices in the non-profit
> sector.
> .       Methods and techniques for helping non-profit managers exploit the
> potential of IS/IT.
> .       IS/IT to support creativity and innovation in non-profits.
> http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011
> Deadline for paper submissions: February 17, 2011
> Notification of Acceptance: March 24, 2011
> Final Copy Due: April 21, 2011
> Anol Bhattacherjee
> Professor of Information Systems
> University of South Florida
> Email: abhatt at usf.edu
> Roderick L. Lee (corresponding co-chair)
> Assistant Professor of Information Systems
> The Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg
> Email: rlee at psu.edu
> Roderick L. Lee, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Information Systems
> Penn State Harrisburg
> School of Business Administration
> E-335 Olmsted Building
> 777 W. Harrisburg Pike
> Middletown, PA  17057-4898
> 717-948-6641
> 717-948-6456 (FAX)
> Description: emaillion
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 14:35:51 -0800 (PST)
> From: Vijay Khatri <vjaykhatri at yahoo.com>
> To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
> Subject: [AISWorld] ICIS SIG SAND (Systems Analysis And Design)
>        meeting on      Dec 13
> Message-ID: <685028.8011.qm at web38103.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Please join-in for the SIGSAND (Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis
> and Design) meeting at ICIS. ?We will discuss plans and initiatives for the
> incoming year. ?When: Mon December 13,
> 7-8pm CSTWhere: Grand Ballroom C (4th Floor),
> Hyatt
> Please RSVP here: http://php.indiana.edu/~vkhatri/sigsandsurvey.html. We
> look forward to seeing you.
> ?
> Glenn J. Browne (Vice President), Vijay Khatri (President)
> and Paul Ralph (Publicity Coordinator)
> Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design (
> http://sigsand.aisnet.org/) ?
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 22:40:15 +0000
> From: "Lionel P. Robert Jr." <LRobert at walton.uark.edu>
> To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] AMICS 2011 CFP: Beyond Use: Examining the outcomes
>        of      System Use
> Message-ID:
>        <779E12BCF53881469D4697583A15BD2105FAAB54 at ex-mbx2.uark.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems
> August 4-7, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA
> Track: Diffusion of Information Technology
> Minitrack title: Beyond Use: Examining the outcomes of System Use
> Description:
> IS literature has built a rich stream of research predicting system use in
> various contexts. An implicit assumption was that use would produce positive
> benefits either for the individual, team or organization. This explains why
> most research examining IT/IS adoption and diffusion had intention to use or
> use at the dependent variable. Researchers have less frequently examined use
> as the independent variable in the nomological network. As a result, our
> understanding of whether or not use yields actual benefits and what exactly
> are those benefits, are less understood.
> This mini-track aims to expand our knowledge of IT/IS adoption and
> diffusion by moving beyond a focus on use, to understanding broader
> outcomes. Submissions are expected to provide new insights into how system
> use impacts outcomes at the individual and team level. As such, research
> examining the interplay between team and individual analysis is invited. In
> addition, the mini track is open to examining the impacts of various types
> of systems.
> Topics of interest to this mini-track will include but are not limited to
> the following:
> ?       The impacts of use on individual and team performance
> ?       The impacts of use on turnover, job satisfaction and employer
> commitment
> ?       The impacts of use on individual and team mental models
> ?       The impacts of use on trust, identity, cohesion and social
> integration
> ?       The impact of use on the development of social networks
> ?       How individual and/or team system use evolves over time to impact
> various outcomes
> ?       How team system use influences individual outcomes
> http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011
> Deadline for paper submissions: February 17, 2011
> Notification of acceptance: March 24, 2011
> Final copy due: April 21, 2011
> Lionel P Robert, Jr.
> Information Systems
> Walton College of Business
> University of Arkansas
> E-mail: lrobert at walton.uark.edu
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 18:37:03 -0500
> From: Ping Wang <pwang at umd.edu>
> To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
> Subject: [AISWorld] University of Maryland College Park VP and CIO
>        Search
> Message-ID: <4D00169F.70508 at umd.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
> (VP/CIO)
> The University of Maryland (UM) is searching for an individual to
> provide strong and visionary leadership for our computing
> infrastructure, enterprise applications, and learning environments.
> Located in College Park, Maryland, and serving approximately 37,500
> students and 13,000 faculty and staff, the UM is one of 63 members of
> the Association of American Universities (AAU) and is the flagship
> institution of the University System of Maryland. The University of
> Maryland is a nationally ranked public research institution with a
> well-developed enterprise IT infrastructure, a wide range of IT based
> academic and administrative services, strong efforts in IT assisted
> instruction, and a growing externally funded research program that is
> heavily dependent on IT resources. Maryland is an active participant in
> Internet2 and houses the Mid Atlantic Crossroads (MAX) and the regional
> I2 Gigapop.
> The VP/CIO serves as the chief executive officer for the University's
> Office of Information Technology (OIT), which currently has 255
> employees and a budget of $44 million. This individual reports to the
> President and to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and
> Provost, works closely with the Vice President for Administrative
> Affairs, and is a member of the President?s Cabinet. The VP/CIO will
> provide strategic vision and leadership in developing and deploying
> cutting edge IT technologies to ensure the University?s leadership in
> education and research.
> The VP/CIO is responsible for: networking and telecommunications,
> enterprise infrastructure, cyber security, enterprise applications,
> learning technologies, research support, and user support. The VP/CIO
> works closely with academic and administrative constituents to ensure
> that planned IT services support the University?s long-term strategic
> goals. The VP/CIO also works with the University System of Maryland, the
> State of Maryland, and national organizations to further cooperative
> efforts in education and public service.
> Applicants must have appropriate technical expertise and a proven record
> of achievement in leadership and planning in the IT field at the level
> of this position. The successful candidate will have the vision to
> anticipate future advances in IT as they relate to issues in higher
> education; the leadership skills to help the university stay abreast of
> IT trends; and the foresight to plan for appropriate responses to
> changing campus needs. Prior experience in a research university setting
> is highly desirable. Strong administrative, interpersonal, and
> leadership skills are required, as is a strong commitment to the highest
> ethical standards in IT use. A proven ability to foster collaborative
> efforts, to build and lead partnerships with academic, corporate, and
> government entities, and to develop funding opportunities is also needed.
> Salary will be commensurate with experience.
> Expressions of interest in the position should consist of (1) a letter
> specifically addressing the candidate's qualifications for the position,
> (2) a current curriculum vitae, and (3) the names, addresses and
> telephone numbers of at least four persons who can be contacted by the
> search committee for references.
> All materials should be sent electronically to sbarone at umd.edu and/or by
> mail to:
> Patricia Steele, Chair
> Search Committee for Vice President and Chief Information Officer
> c/o President's Office
> 1115 Main Administration Building
> University of Maryland
> College Park, MD 20742
> For best consideration, all materials should be received by February 15,
> 2011. However, applications will be accepted and reviewed until the
> position is filled.
> For further information, please consult the Office of Information
> Technology web site at http://www.oit.umd.edu.
> The University of Maryland, College Park actively subscribes to a policy
> of equal education and employment opportunities. Women and minority
> candidates are especially encouraged.
> --
> Ping Wang, Ph.D.
> University of Maryland, College Park
> http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~pwang/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 17:45:42 -0600
> From: Nik Hassan <nhassan at d.umn.edu>
> To: AISWorld <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] SIGPhilosophy meeting at ICIS 2010
> Message-ID:
>        <AANLkTimhrCnGG63K3GxR=TXtwsOzuWPOt4fVDPh+dTdb at mail.gmail.com<TXtwsOzuWPOt4fVDPh%2BdTdb at mail.gmail.com>
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear colleagues and fellow philosophers,
> As you are pulling together your itinerary for ICIS this year, please don't
> forget to include the Special Interest Group on Epistemology and Philosophy
> of IS (SIGPhilosophy) meeting scheduled as follows:
>   - Time: Mon December 13, 7:30-9pm CST
>   - Venue: Grand Ballroom F (4th Floor), Hyatt
> We plan to hold introductions and to discuss plans for the SIG's upcoming
> activities including but not limited to:
> -- building the SIG's new wiki homepage and knowledge portal
> -- initiating research programs designed to address topics on philosophy
> among members
> -- getting support from senior authors and mentors
> Check out our list of mentors on the new SIGPhilosophy wiki homepage at
> http://education.aisnet.org/sigphilwiki/
> Members who cannot attend ICIS this year but would like to get involved,
> please email me at nhassan at d.umn.edu
> We look forward to seeing you.
> --
> Nik R. Hassan, PhD, SIGPhilosophy Administrator
> Assoc. Professor, Finance & MIS Dept.
> Labovitz School of Business and Economics
> University of Minnesota Duluth
> 1318 Kirby Drive, LSBE 335Q
> Duluth MN 55812
> Office Phone: (218) 726-7453
> Fax: (218) 726-7516
> Home Page: www.d.umn.edu/~nhassan <http://www.d.umn.edu/%7Enhassan>
> Email: nhassan at d.umn.edu
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 20:12:44 -0500
> From: "Strong, Diane M." <dstrong at WPI.EDU>
> To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] Post-doc position at WPI
> Message-ID:
>        <125FF5152FF2A04EB539BFC92F6BFFA7027E3848 at S197.admin.wpi.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> Worcester Polytechnic Institute
> Anticipated Post-Doctoral Position
> Center for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT)
> The Center for eHealth Innovation and Process Transformation (CeHIPT,
> http://cehipt.wpi.edu) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is
> anticipating a post-doctoral position for an outstanding researcher, to
> begin in May 2011. Candidates should have expertise and interest in survey
> design and analysis, simulation and/or optimization modeling, and health
> care system redesign enabled by information technology.   The ideal
> candidate will have a Ph.D. in Information Systems with an MS in Industrial
> Engineering (IE) or Operations Research (OR), or a Ph.D. in IE/OR or
> Operations Management with an MS in Information Systems.
> The successful candidate will be part of CeHIPT?s interdisciplinary
> research team, which develops recommendations and tools that health care
> organizations can use to successfully transform their care delivery
> processes.  To achieve this goal, CeHIPT takes a systems approach to
> research on health care process innovation and transformation, drawing on
> and integrating core concepts from industrial and systems engineering,
> biomedical and health informatics, and information systems research.  CeHIPT
> focuses on research issues related to actual health care delivery processes
> and their transformation and innovation by working closely with a variety of
> health care organizations so that the problems being investigated and the
> solutions being proposed are relevant to the health care community.
> As part of the New England Healthcare Engineering Partnership (NEHCEP),
> CeHIPT is working with the VA New England Health Care System to improve the
> delivery of healthcare to veterans in New England.  NEHCEP, a partnership
> between the VA New England and three academic institutions, was established
> to integrate systems engineering principles and methods into the fabric of
> VA healthcare operations.   The successful candidate will contribute to
> ongoing work with NEHCEP related to patient-centered medical homes,
> improving inpatient medicine delivery processes, and streamlining VA
> administrative processes.  The candidate will also have the opportunity to
> contribute to new projects exploring the opportunities created by electronic
> medical records, patient portals and personal health records.
> WPI is a selective private university located in Worcester, Massachusetts,
> with an innovative curriculum centered on engineering, science, technology,
> and business.  Ranked highly by US News & World Report among national
> comprehensive universities, WPI enjoys close working relationships with many
> organizations, due in part to its project-enriched curriculum that engages
> students and faculty in real-world problem solving.
> To learn more about the opportunity and to express interest, please
> contact: Professor Diane Strong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
> dstrong at wpi.edu.
> WPI is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 01:25:35 -0000
> From: "Adam, Frederic" <FAdam at afis.ucc.ie>
> To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] Journal of Decision Systems - Volume 19 - No.
>        4/2010
> Message-ID:
>        <9012898139F48046B0D5C385789FED30016AFAC0 at EXCH1.central.ad.ucc.ie>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Announcing the publication of a Themed Special Issue of the Journal of
> Decision Systems including papers selected at the 15th IFIP WG 8.3
> international conference on DSS, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010, and an invited
> piece by Paul Gray and Omar El Sawy.
> The Journal of Decision Systems is pleased and honored to publish in this
> special issue an invited article co-authored by Professor Paul Gray who is
> one of the founding fathers of the decision support systems area. We had
> learned indirectly that his 80th birthday on December 8, 2010 would coincide
> with the publication of this issue, and would like to extend our celebratory
> congratulations to him as well as to convey our appreciation of his lifelong
> scholarly contributions. We also want to wish him many more productive and
> healthy years.
> Professor Gray was the author of one of the first papers on group decision
> support systems and the creator of one of the first decision rooms when he
> was at Southern Methodist University. He has continued to make important
> contributions to understanding decision support systems and decision making
> over the last four decades.
> Paul Gray is Professor Emeritus and Founding Chair of Information Science
> at Claremont Graduate University. He specializes in information systems,
> particularly decision support systems, knowledge management, data
> warehousing and electronic commerce. Before coming to Claremont in 1983, he
> was a professor at Stanford University, the Georgia Institute of Technology,
> the University of Southern California, and Southern Methodist University. He
> was a professor for over 30 years and served as department chair for 15
> years. Prior to his academic career, he worked for 16 years in research and
> development organizations including nine years at SRI International. His PhD
> is in Operations Research from Stanford University. He retired in May 2001,
> but continues to teach, do research, consult, and to curate the Paul Gray PC
> Museum at Claremont Graduate University.
> Professor Gray was awarded the LEO Award of the Association for Information
> Systems for lifetime achievement. He has been inducted as a Fellow of the
> Association of Information Systems, and a Fellow of the Institute for
> Operations Research and the Management Sciences - and in both cases was in
> the first group of Fellows named. He is a winner of the Kimball Medal of the
> Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Educator of
> the Year by EDSIG, and the NATO Systems Science Prize. Professor Gray has
> also served as President of The Institute of Management Sciences.
> Journal of Decision Systems - Volume 19 - No. 4/2010
> Foreword
> Tribute to Paul Gray. An 80th Birthday Salute
> Decision Modes as Cultural Mirror. Implications for Decision Support
> Systems
> The Role of ECM and its Contribution in Decision-Making Processes
> Exploiting Qualitative Information for Decision Support in Scenario
> Analysis
> Rational and Intuitive Patterns in Different Management Cultures
> DSS Requirements to Support the Regulated Decision Making Process of Public
> Procurement
> Senior Executive Information Behaviors and Decision Support
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 14:13:34 +0800
> From: maggie wang <maggiemhwang at gmail.com>
> To: AISWorld at lists.aisnet.org
> Subject: [AISWorld] Vol.2, No.4, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An
>        International Journal (KM&EL)
> Message-ID:
>        <AANLkTi=h6sFYRgTx-b16diAq7mW1wg6VXwD=kLq1G+ZA at mail.gmail.com<kLq1G%2BZA at mail.gmail.com>
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> ************************************
> Vol.2, No.4, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal
> (KM&EL)
> ************************************
> As Editors-in-Chief of Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International
> Journal (KM&EL), we are very pleased to announce the release of the special
> issue " Web-Based Learning: Innovations and Challenges". Please see below
> for a detailed description of the contents.
> By 8th Dec 2010, 44 articles have been published at the KM&EL Journal, with
> 28,503 full-text downloads.
> A FREE copy of this Issue can be downloaded at
> Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)
> http://www.kmel-journal.org/ojs/index.php/online-publication
> KM&EL Lab
> http://kmel-lab.org/website/index.html
> Maggie M. Wang and Stephen J.H. Yang
> Editors-in-Chief of KM&EL
> *************************************
> The contents of the special issue
> *************************************
> Editorial: Web-Based Learning: Innovations and Challenges
> By Mudasser F. Wyne
> Information Quality Framework for e-Learning Systems
> By Mona Alkhattabi, Daniel Neagu, Andrea Cullen
> Roles of Administrators in Ensuring the Quality of Online Programs
> By Yi Yang
> The Dynamics of Interactivity Modeling for e-Learning
> By Chima Adiele, Ezeamaka David Nwanze
> Recommendation of Complementary Material during Chat Discussions
> By Stanley Loh, Daniel Lichtnow, Adriana Justin Cerveira Kampff, Jose
> Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
> Analysing the Relationship between Learning Styles and Navigation Behaviour
> in Web-Based educational system
> By Nabila Bousbia, Issam Rebai, Jean-Marc Labat, Amar Balla
> Digital Application of Web Engineering: Implications for Business
> Informatics Systems
> By Ezendu Ariwa, Marios Michael
> An Investigation of Faculty's Perceptions and Experiences when
> Transitioning
> to a New Learning Management System
> By Xun Ge, Ian Lubin, Ke Zhang
> Cross-Cultural Challenges in Web-Based Instruction
> By Bolanle A. Olaniran, Indi M. Williams, Natasha Rodriguez
> ************************************
> Forthcoming Issue Vol.3, No.1, Mar 2011
> Special Issue on "Advances in Health Education Applying E-Learning,
> Simulations and Distance Technologies"
> Guest Editor
> Andre W. Kushniurk, MSc, PhD
> Professor, School of Health Information Science,
> University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
> *******************************
> Call for Papers:
> http://www.kmel-journal.org/ojs/index.php/online-publication/about/editorialPolicies#focusAndScope
> *******************************
> Editors-in-Chief
> Maggie M. Wang (magwang at hku.hk)
> Stephen Yang (jhyang at csie.ncu.edu.tw)
> Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)
> http://www.kmel-journal.org/ojs/index.php/online-publication
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 22:41:02 -0800
> From: Florian Daniel <daniel at disi.unitn.it>
> To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
> Subject: [AISWorld] BPM 2011 - Call for Workshop Proposals
> Message-ID: <1DDBEC6D-C5D3-4134-9741-D8DC03786528 at disi.unitn.it>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> BPM 2011 Call for Workshop Proposals
> August 30 ? September 1, 2011, Clermont-Ferrand, France
> http://bpm2011.isima.fr/
> BPM 2011 is the ninth conference in a series that provides the most
> distinguished, specialized forum for researchers and practitioners in
> business process management (BPM). The conference has a record of attracting
> innovative research of highest quality related to all aspects of business
> process management, including theory, frameworks, methods, techniques,
> architectures, and empirical findings.
> Submissions are invited for workshop proposals to be included in the BPM
> 2011 Workshop Program. Workshops are meant to facilitate the exchange of
> ideas and experiences between active researchers and stimulate discussions
> on new and emerging issues in line with the conference topics. Workshops may
> concentrate in-depth on research topics or may also be devoted to
> application and/or standardization issues.
> All workshop papers will be published by Springer as a post-workshop
> proceedings volume in their Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
> (LNBIP) series. Hard copies of the proceedings will be shipped to all
> registered participants about four months after the workshops.
> Proposals for workshops should include the following information:
> 1. workshop title and acronym;
> 2. outline of the workshop theme, goals, planned activities, and intended
> audience;
> 3. brief biography of each organizer;
> 4. the complete text of the envisioned call for papers.
> To decide your workshop key dates, please note that the preliminary
> workshop proceedings (including preface, table of contents, and camera ready
> papers) to be distributed at the workshop must be submitted to the BPM 2011
> conference organizers before August 15, 2011.
> Workshop proposals should be directed to the BPM Workshop co-chairs in
> electronic form (plain text or PDF) by the deadline indicated below.
> - Deadline for workshop proposals: Wednesday, December 22, 2010
> - Notification of proposal acceptance: Sunday, January 23, 2011
> - Workshops day: Monday, August 29, 2011
> Kamel Barkaoui, CNAM, Paris, France
> Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
> Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
> ------------------------------
> Message: 12
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 10:19:43 +0100
> From: Irene Garrig?s <igarrigos at dlsi.ua.es>
> To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] special issue in IET Software on Web and
>        Requirements    Engineering
> Message-ID: <001701cb9782$375f82a0$a61e87e0$@ua.es>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> IET Software Call for Papers
> SPECIAL ISSUE ON: Web and Requirements Engineering
> IET Software's JCR Impact Factor increased by 20% to 0.620 in 2010.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> In the last decade, the number and complexity of Web-based software systems
> and the amount of information they offer has been continuously growing. In
> the context of Software Engineering, design methods and methodologies were
> introduced to provide mechanisms to develop these complex Web applications
> and Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) in a systematic way. Most of these
> methodologies focus on implementation and neglect other tasks such as
> requirement analysis and quality management. Although the relevance of
> Requirements Engineering is well known these techniques should be studied
> more widely in the Web Engineering community due to the complexity of Web
> Engineering problems (such as the changing nature of the stakeholders or
> the
> diversity of Web-related requirements). On the other hand, Requirements
> Engineering is a complex activity whose success depends on stakeholder
> participation. Therefore, the techniques proposed in the Requirements
> Engineering field need a more participative environment to support
> effective
> collaboration among stakeholders. In this context, the Web (especially Web
> 2.0 applications), provide a convenient platform that supports active
> participation by stakeholders in the Requirements Engineering process.
> Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> * Web requirements elicitation and analysis
> * Web requirements validation and verification
> * Web engineering methods and tools supporting requirements
> * Traceability in Web requirements
> * Modeling of requirements, goals, and domains in Web
> * Prototyping and simulation in Web requirements
> engineering
> * Evolution of Web requirements
> * Alignment between business and Web requirements
> * Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in Web requirements engineering
> * User-centred analysis and design
> * Domain specific modelling languages addressing requirements for Web
> applications
> * Web 2.0 and requirements engineering
> * Requirements engineering for rich internet applications
> * Model-driven approaches based on requirements models for Web applications
> and rich internet applications
> All papers must be submitted through the journal?s Manuscript Central
> system:
> http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iet-SEN
> There are two ways of submission: invitations to the authors of higher
> quality papers accepted at the WeRE workshop
> (http://gplsi.dlsi.ua.es/congresos/were10), and an open call for papers.
> Submitted papers have to be formatted according to the IET Software
> guidelines (http://www.ietdl.org/IET-SEN)
> Proposed publication schedule:
> -------------------------------
> Deadline for submission of
> papers: 28 February 2011
> Authors to receive a 1st
> decision by: 30 June 2011
> Final notification of acceptance: 30 August 2011
> On-line and print publication: Q4 2011 (subject to IET Schedule)
> Special issue guest editors:
> ------------------------------
> Irene Garrig?s (corresponding editor)
> University of Alicante
> E: igarrigos at dlsi.ua.es
> Jose-Norberto Maz?n
> University of Alicante
> E: jnmazon at dlsi.ua.es
> Nora Koch
> Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t M?nchen
> E: kochn at pst.ifi.lmu.de
> Mar?a Jos? Escalona
> University of Seville
> E: mjescalona at us.es
> John Mylopoulos
> University of Trento
> E: jm at disi.unitn.it
> IET Publishing Dept. contact:
> Paul Rowley
> Editorial Assistant
> IET Software
> E: prowley at theiet.org
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 13
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 16:41:44 +0100
> From: Niels Bj?rn-Andersen <nba.caict at cbs.dk>
> To: "'aisworld at lists.aisnet.org'" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Subject: [AISWorld] IT-enabled accelerated trade - FREE resources and
>        christmas video
> Message-ID:
>        <2AE138F0C2637B4D8128333615C59E353ACEF6B0E7 at EXCHANGE01.hhk.dk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear colleague,
> You are cordially invited to watch a 45 sec video about Father Christmas,
> and how he is getting help to clear customs with the Christmas gifts for the
> children of the world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2tqH7RyzXg
> The video is a short introduction to a 6 mill ? EU project on trade
> facilitation using IT, which we are just finishing. There is a lot of useful
> material on the web-site.
> The project aims at reducing fraud, enhancing security and cutting down
> administrative costs.
> If you like it, please forward this mail to anybody you think might
> potentially be interested.
> Furthermore, I encourage you to have a look at the web-site itself
> http://www.itaide.org
> where you will find a lot of information on the project on trade
> facilitation, a second video providing a management overview of the project,
> and free excerpts from the book coming out these days.
> You may also see this as an example of how some IS researchers try to add
> value by creating impact following a design science paradigm.
> Best regards
> Professor Niels Bj?rn-Andersen
> Centre for Applied Information and Communication Technologies - CAICT
> Copenhagen Business School
> Howitzvej 60,3
> 2000 Frederiksberg
> Danmark
> nba at cbs.dk<mailto:nba at cbs.dk>
> office phone: (+45) 38 15 44 44
> mobile phone: (+45) 24 79 43 07
> home phone (+45) 39 90 23 30
> Skype: NielsBjoernAndersen
> Check out:
> Project on ERP with Microsoft: www.3gerp.org<http://www.3gerp.org/>
> EU project on eCustoms and trade facilitations with IBM and SAP:
> www.ITAIDE.org<http://www.itaide.org/>
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 14
> Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2010 10:45:49 -0500
> From: Richard Baskerville <baskerville at acm.org>
> To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
> Subject: [AISWorld] Free articles for downloading from EJIS
> Message-ID: <20101209163004.0271A20B1415 at smtprelay08.hostedemail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format=flowed
> Dear Colleagues,
> The last issue of the current volume of the
> European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
> has just been published.  While all of the works
> in this volume are important and interesting, the
> OR Society and Palgrave have permitted us to
> select three papers that typify the volume, and
> to make these temporarily available to the
> research community for free.  It was a tough choice, but here goes:
> The first comes from the EJIS Special Series on
> Contrarian Information Systems Studies, a series
> which is aiming to engender real debate and
> loosen the grip of paradigmatic mindsets.The
> second provides interesting theories and insights
> about an action research project addressing
> conflict and resistance issues.Through a
> comprehensive literature review, the third
> identifies 22 different definitions of 'Business
> Model' and present a hierarchical taxonomy of the concept.
> These papers are freely available to you until
> the end of December. Simply click on the links below:
> Same technology, different outcome?
> Reinterpreting Barley's Technology as an Occasion
> for Structuring, Starling David Hunter III
> http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/journal/v19/n6/full/ejis201033a.html
> Toward an IT Conflict-Resistance Theory: action
> research during IT pre-implementation, R?gis Meissonier and Emmanuel Houz?
> http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/journal/v19/n5/full/ejis201035a.html
> Developing a unified framework of the business
> model concept, Mutaz M Al-Debei and David Avison
> http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/journal/v19/n3/full/ejis201021a.html
> We will also have a limited number of back issues
> available for free at the Palgrave Macmillan
> booth at ICIS next week.  First come first served.
> /richard baskerville (EIC EJIS)
> // Richard Baskerville, CIS Dept., Georgia State University
> // 35 Broad Street NW, PO Box 4015, Atlanta, Ga 30302
> // Tel. +1 404.413.7362   Fax 413.7394
> // Web http://cis.gsu.edu/~rbaskerv
> ------------------------------
> Message: 15
> Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 11:54:17 -0500
> From: Joseph Sarkis <jsarkis at clarku.edu>
> To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
> Cc: 'Koo Chulmo' <helmetgu at gmail.com>
> Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2011 CFP: Green IS/IT: Organizational
>        Awareness, Readiness, and Competitiveness Minitrack
> Message-ID:
>        <D3EF31F7C7C82B4C855672B2E117E13F778D013F6D at john.ad.clarku.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Call for Papers
> Green IS/IT: Organizational Awareness, Readiness, and Competitiveness
> Minitrack - AMCIS - 2011
> Affiliated with: The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS
> 2011)
> 04 - 08 August 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/
> Recently, environmental issues have motivated both researchers and
> practitioners to identify solutions from Green IT and Green IS. Among
> practitioners, while Green IT has gained significant attention, Green IS has
> seen increasing importance. Even though Green IT covers both infrastructure
> and organizational aspects of environmental technology, Green IS
> incorporates a more general initiative by associating an integrated set of
> systems (including people, processes, software, and information
> technologies) to support individual, organizational, and societal goals.
> Surprisingly, while industries, corporations, and IS units have acknowledged
> the importance of environmental issues, the IS academy has provided limited
> contribution to burgeoning knowledge in Green IS. The critical role of both
> Greening IS and Greening IT and both Green IS and Green IT for goods and
> services manufacture is visible to consumers but is also embedded in the
> life cycles of materials, manufacturing systems, and public infrastructure.
> Information in general, and IS and IT systems in particular can play an
> important control role through support of environmental management systems,
> life cycle analysis, and design for the environment practices.
> Organizationally IS and IT managers and technologists' awareness of greening
> organizations is one of the potential starting points that requires
> investigation. The latest step is not only awareness and readiness, but how
> can organizations leverage their IS capacities to effectively address these
> issues from reactive risk management or cost averse perspectives, and also a
> longer term competitive stance and relationship. Inevitably, this special
> topic issue of the Green IS/IT the decision to complete environmental action
> will be strategic with fundamental changes across the organization and IS
> can play a central role in this effort.
> Information for contributors
> The papers will be electronically peer reviewed.  Papers will then be
> selected for presentation and will be included in the conference
> proceedings. Papers should present original and unpublished research. The
> conference proceedings are planned to be published and distributed by
> Aisnet.org. For more detailed information, please take a look at the main
> conference website: AMCIS 2011: http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/.
> Papers may be submitted electronically through:
> http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011
> Post-conference
> After the workshop, a number of best papers will be invited for submission
> to a special issue in a leading peer reviewed academic journal.
> Topics of interest include:
> 1. IS behavioral research for leadership and motivation for greening within
> organizations
> 2. How information systems can raise and contribute to awareness of
> organizational greening both internal and external to the organization.
> 3. The roles of various emergent information systems and technology
> including mobile systems, cloud computing, and remote sensing to aid in
> greening organizations.
> 4. Environmental management model (e.g. strategic model and its
> implementation) implementation and support through Green IS and Green IT.
> 5. Economy policy and incentives and standards, regulations, and legal
> issues.
> 6. The roles of Green IS and Green IT in environmental management systems,
> life cycle analysis, eco-design, green supply chain management, and other
> environmentally oriented business practices.
> 7. Environmental stakeholder involvement in IS and IT design and
> development.
> 8. IS roles in carbon trading systems (both internal and external).
> 9. Clean Technology and IS and IT relationships.
> 10. Scale development for empirical research in green IS and green IT
> 11. Globalization, -Information system, Information Technology, and the
> environment
> 12. Monitoring, visualization, and optimization
> 13. Green logistics and supply chain management
> 14. Innovation methods and sustainability
> 15. Green industrial eco-systems, Information System, and sustainability
> 16. Green awareness and communication for formulating organizational
> strategy
> Important Dates
> Dec 30, 2010 AIS Review System will begin accepting submissions for AMCIS
> 2011
> Feb 17, 2010 Full Paper Submission deadline
> Mar 24, 2011 Authors notified of paper acceptance decision
> April 21, 2011 Camera-Ready Papers due
> Minitrack Chairs Contact Information:
> Joseph Sarkis
> Professor of Management
> Graduate School of Management
> Clark University, USA
> jsarkis at clarku.edu
> Chulmo Koo
> Assistant Professor
> College of Business
> Chosun University, South Korea
> helmetgu at chosun.ac.kr
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> AISWorld mailing list
> AISWorld at lists.aisnet.org
> End of AISWorld Digest, Vol 14, Issue 9
> ***************************************
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