[AISWorld] AMCIS Minitrack--Information Systems Strategy and Implementation

D Lance Revenaugh revenaug at gmail.com
Fri Dec 31 14:29:51 EST 2010

Call for Papers 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems

August 4-7, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA

Minitrack: *Information Systems Strategy and Implementation*

Track: IT Strategy and Management

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Minitrack description:

Unquestionably, information systems (IS), along with its supporting
information technology (IT), continue to increase in importance in nearly
all organizations.  As organizations scramble to develop and apply IT in new
ways, the need to identify and implement an IS strategic plan becomes
increasingly critical.

To date, however, implementations of IS strategies have not had high success
rates.  Though this has been true for years, much continues to be published
on how to *develop* an IS strategy.  Comparatively little research focuses
on implementation.  It is the purpose of this mini-track to focus on ways in
which organizations effectively implement IS strategies in their

Sample topics addressed in the mini-track include:

·         Implementation issues considered during strategy development

·         Integration of IT planning and strategy with business strategy

·         Enablers of and/or inhibitors to IS Strategy success

·         Implementation of *any* organizational *strategy* that is
significantly impacted by IS

·         Research, case studies, empirical studies of IS Strategy

*Important Dates:*

*   17-Feb-2011  Submission deadline *

*   24-Mar-2011  Authors notified of paper acceptance decision *

*   21-Apr-2011  Camera-Ready Papers due*

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*Submissions via manuscript central system:
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011  *

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*AMCIS website http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/*

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*Mini Track Co-Chairs:*

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*D. Lance Revenaugh*

revenaug at gmail.com

*Colorado Technology University*

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*Raymond Papp*

*rpapp at ut.edu*

*University of Tampa *
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