[AISWorld] UT Dallas Top 100 Rankings

Kai R. Larsen kai.larsen at Colorado.EDU
Sun Feb 6 18:05:58 EST 2011

Dear colleagues,

I've noticed lately that some colleagues in other disciplines have started latching onto the UT Dallas Journal list as the ultimate word on what constitutes "A-journals."  Is anyone else noticing this trend?

If it exists, such a trend seems unfortunate:

1.       No justification for journal inclusion is offered that I can see.  A request for this information has gone unanswered. Is the list generated to make a specific school look good?

2.       The system is a marketing system for UT Dallas (it bolds UT Dallas in any list generated).

3.       If the full list is accepted as-is and a school ranking is generated with all journals included, some disciplines are given disproportionate influence relative to their size (by some stats, an order of magnitude).

Any experiences worth sharing?


Kai Larsen
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado

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