[AISWorld] Give Your Students The Best

Tmitri A. Owens towens at cis.gsu.edu
Fri Feb 11 10:01:24 EST 2011

As a leader in Information Systems, you want the best for your students and AIS Student chapters can help provide the well-rounded experience all students need.  Later this month AIS will be host virtual presentations and cordially invite you or your students to learn more about "The Benefits of an AIS Student Chapter" The presentation will run approximately 30 minutes and will be interactive.  Please see the times below, and let me know what time works the best for you?  If the times below are not conducive to your schedule we can schedule a one to one conversation via Skype or WebEx. 


Virtual presentations will be held: 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST


Monday , February 24, 2011 

9:00AM - 9:30 AM EST

 and 1:30-2:00 EST


To participate, send an email to aisscrep at aisnet.org <mailto:aisscrep at aisnet.org>  with your name, institution, and email address and a meeting link will be forwarded to you.  Don't be left behind, over 3000 students have joined the new movement in IS!


We look forward to working with you!




The AIS Student Chapter Support Team


Tmitri Owens 
Student Chapter Project Manager, AIS
Email: aissc at aisnet.org <mailto:aissc at aisnet.org>   
Phone: +1 (404) 413-7444 


Joseph Allegra
Student Chapter Field Representative, AIS
Senior Program Specialist, Temple University
Email: aisscrep at aisnet.org <mailto:aisscrep at aisnet.org>  
Phone: +1 (215) 204-3060  

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