[AISWorld] Reminder: CFP - ILAIS 2011 - The Open University of Israel, June 29, 2011

Nitza Geri nitzage at openu.ac.il
Tue Mar 29 13:50:09 EDT 2011

The 5th annual ILAIS (Israel Association for Information Systems)
conference will be held on June 29, 2011 at The Open University of
Israel in Raanana. The Program Committee invites researchers to submit
extended abstracts and panel proposals. 


Submission Guidelines

Faculty members and research students in the IS field are encouraged to
submit by April 8, 2011 a research paper abstract or a panel proposal
(800-1,200 words, in English, in one of the following formats: MS Word,
RTF or Open Office) to ILAIS2011 at gmail.com <mailto:ILAIS2011 at gmail.com>
.  Authors must grant ILAIS the right to publish the abstracts or
proposals online prior to the meeting, but retain all other copyrights.


Research paper abstracts (research in progress or recently completed
research) should include: title, author(s), introduction, objectives,
method, results, and conclusion. The structure of theoretical/conceptual
papers can be adjusted as needed.

Panel proposals should include: title, description of the panel, names
and short (~50 words each) bios of 3-5 discussants. 



Important Dates

Submission deadline:                 April 8, 2011

Notification to authors:               May 20, 2011

Final version due:                       June 5, 2011

Conference date:                       June 29, 2011


For conference updates and further information visit the ILAIS web site:
http://ilais.openu.ac.il/wp/ <http://ilais.openu.ac.il/wp/> 


Looking forward to seeing you at ILAIS 2011, 

Nitza Geri and Yoram Kalman

Conference Co-Chairs

The Open University of Israel


Dr. Nitza Geri
Chair, Department of Management and Economics 
The Open University of Israel 
Phone: +972-9-7781911
E-mail: nitzage at openu.ac.il <mailto:nitzage at openu.ac.il> 


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