[AISWorld] Query about intro programming course

Golub, Beth - Hoboken bgolub at wiley.com
Tue Apr 5 15:11:46 EDT 2011

Greetings.  I am the editor for IS textbooks at Wiley.  I have a few questions about teaching the programming course.  If you teach programming in an IS/CIS/MIS department, I'd greatly appreciate your responses.   

If there is a sufficient response, I will summarize and send back out to the list.

Please send your response to me at bgolub at wiley.com

Thanks in advance,
- Beth Golub

1. Does your department require an introductory programming course for IS/CIS/MIS majors? 

2. If yes, what programming language is used in the course?

3. Is it important for the course textbook to include business examples?

4. If yes, what kind of business examples would you like an introductory programming textbook to include?

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