[AISWorld] BISE/WI: BISE-Workshop at the upcomming MKWI 2012

Hans Ulrich Buhl hans-ulrich.buhl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
Mon Apr 18 06:28:32 EDT 2011

Dear members of the AIS, 

As Editor-in-Chief of the journal Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) I would like to inform you about a BISE-workshop
within the upcoming "Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik" (MKWI) 2012 in Braunschweig on 2012-02-28:

1. Date and ambition

Within the upcoming "Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik" (MKWI) 2012 in Braunschweig, the journal Business & Information Systems
Engineering (BISE) organizes a workshop on 2012-02-28. At this occasion, we would like to invite all authors who are currently
working on submissions for BISE or are planning to submit a contribution to discuss their ideas with the Editor-in-Chief, the
Department Editors, and other authors. The workshop's objective is to elaborate on the scientifically interesting core by means of
constructive feedback and to ensure the methodic quality of a paper even before submission. In doing so, the journal's requirements
on rigor and relevance can be taken into account at an early stage.

2. Process

Submission is open for extended abstracts with approx. 20,000 characters. Besides a motivation and clearly stated research
questions, submissions should include an outline of the state of the art, a description of the research method to be used, and an
outline regarding the expected results. Each abstract will be reviewed by the particular Department Editor and the Editor-in-Chief.
The authors of the three best submissions will be invited to the workshop. The particular papers will be presented by the authors
and discussed within the plenum of the workshop.

3. Topics

Invited are papers dealing with theories, methods, tools, and intersubjectively verifiable insights regarding information and
communication systems. This includes the fields of information management,
applied computer science, business administration, economics, new media, and operations research, provided that the papers address
modern concepts and solutions relating to information and communication systems or analyze the development of the information
society. Moreover, topics referring to important peripheral areas are welcome, provided that developments with a closer reference to
BISE are substantially affected. For example, addressing the impact of computer science on business, individuals, and society.

4. Submission

Please submit extended abstracts by 2011-09-15 at the latest to hans-ulrich.buhl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de and
wirtschaftsinformatik at fim-online.eu. 
You can find a detailed Call for Papers at http://www.bise-journal.org.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

I'm looking forward to your submissions. 

	U. Buhl


Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Buhl

Head of Department Information Systems Engineering
& Financial Management

Academic Director Research Center
Finance & Information Management

Chairman of the Board Elite Graduate Program
Finance & Information Management

Editor-in-Chief Journals Business & Information

University of Augsburg, D-86135 Augsburg

Phone: +49  821  598-4800 (Sekretariat: -4801)
Fax:   +49  821  598-4899

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