[AISWorld] Special issue on IT-Related Service - Journal of Service Research

Ming-Hui Huang huangmh at ntu.edu.tw
Sat May 14 10:56:17 EDT 2011

 Journal of Service Research Special Issue on
IT-Related Service: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

Journal of Service Research calls for submissions for a special
interdisciplinary issue on IT-related service. Much of the radical
transformation of the world economy from an industrial to a post-industrial
service society comes from the contribution of information technology (IT)
to service sectors and from IT as service. This special issue is
multidisciplinary in nature as many disciplines play a role in the service
economy. We invite scholars from marketing, information systems, operations
management, human resources, finance/accounting, economics, and
organizational research to submit papers on IT-related service. We are
particularly interested in papers that consider the productivity and quality
of IT-related service and focus on the relationship with customers
(including B2C, B2B and C2C), in contrast to technology-centered approaches
to service management and business interaction. Papers that include
empirical, analytical, and conceptual approaches that develop or extend
theory are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - IT’s role in providing cost-effective service
   - IT mediated or supported self-service
   - IT-related service productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction
   - IT servitization
   - IT-related service innovations and business transformation
   - IT-related service management and marketing
   - IT-related service value networks
   - IT service, customer service, and service satisfaction
   - IT-related service and consumer behavior
   - IT-related service and employee attitudes and behavior
   - IT-related service economics and pricing
   - IT-related service engineering, systems, and computing

We expect this special issue to lead to significant cross-fertilization
across fields and, therefore, to particularly high impact for the papers.
The issue is sponsored by the National Science Council of Taiwan and the
Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland.

The best paper will receive a first-place award of $2,000, and up to three
additional papers will receive honorable-mention awards of $1,000 each. In
addition, each award will include an invitation for the paper to be
presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference in 2013 (with complementary
registration) that will coincide with the publication of the special issue.

Please submit manuscripts to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/journsr  and
designate “Special Issue on IT-Related Service.”

Submission Deadline: February 1, 2012; Expected Publication Date: August

Katherine N. Lemon, Boston College

Guest Co-editors
Ming-Hui Huang, National Taiwan University
Roland T. Rust, University of Maryland
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