[AISWorld] Extension of the Submission date from 15th of May to the 25th of May for the Copenhagen Co-Creation conference 2011

Sudhanshu Rai sr.inf at cbs.dk
Sat May 14 17:44:21 EDT 2011

Dear Friends and colleagues

We are happy to inform authors that we are extending the date for submission of manuscripts and research in progress papers from the 15th of May to the 25th of May 2011

You can submit your manuscript by clicking here http://www.cocreatech.dk/news&events.html

Role down to the section on submissions and then follow the instructions

With Warm Regards

Sudhanshu Rai, PhD
Lead investigator Co-Creation Lab for Innovation for future markets; "CCLIFM"
Team Leader, Euro-India ICT R&D Project
Copenhagen Business School
Department of Informatics
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Office.: +45 38 15 24 94
e-mail, work: sr.inf at cbs.dk<mailto:sr.inf at cbs.dk>
Euro-India Project  http://www.euroindia-ict.org<javascript:openwindow('http://www.euroindia-ict.org/','cbs',1024,768)>
Website http://www.euroindia-ict.org<http://www.euroindia-ict.org/>
CBS India http://uk.cbs.dk/forskning_viden/institutter_centre/projekter/cbs_india_portal
Blog  http://stepbystepinnovation.blogspot.com<http://stepbystepinnovation.blogspot.com/>

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