[AISWorld] CFP: 6th Annual PreICIS Workshop on IT Project Management

Alanah Mitchell mitchellaj at appstate.edu
Tue May 31 09:58:41 EDT 2011

6th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management (IRWITPM)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Shanghai, China
(In conjunction with ICIS 2011)
Sponsored by:
Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt)

The Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITPROJMGMT)
is proud to sponsor the 6th International Research Workshop on
Information Technology Project Management. The workshop will feature
research papers and one or more panels that focus on problems that cut
across many traditional IS/T Project Management areas, including, but
not limited to, the following topics: virtual project management,
agile project management, knowledge networks, project management
methodologies, distributed project management, project leadership,
project quality metrics, project management standards, best practices
in project management, project success, and pedagogical issues.

The workshop will be held as an all-day meeting in Shanghai, China in
conjunction with ICIS 2011. Participants should plan on arriving the
night before the workshop for an early start to the meeting. There
will be a single track to maximize interaction and participation.
Workshop participants will be charged a registration fee that will
include lunch and coffee breaks (details will be announced as the
conference program is finalized).

Completed research papers (< 5000 words, excluding references, tables,
and figures)
Research-in-progress papers (< 3500 words, excluding references,
tables, and figures)
Panel proposals

Submission Deadline: August 1st, 2011
Notification of Decision: September 15th, 2011
Revised Manuscripts Deadline: October 1st, 2011
Registration Deadline: October 15th, 2011

The manuscript or proposal and any supporting documentation (such as
survey instruments) should be sent as e-mail attachments (in MSWord
format) to the IRWITPM Conference Chairs at
UNOIRWITPM at mail.unomaha.edu. In your email, please clearly identify
your paper as a research-in-progress (RIP) or a completed paper. All
submissions to IRWITPM 2011 must represent original work that has not
already been published in a journal or conference proceedings. If the
work has been presented at another conference or is currently under
consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere, the authors
must disclose this fact. At least one author for every accepted paper
and all members of accepted panels must register for the workshop and
be prepared to present their ideas in person. Authors of accepted
submissions must address the suggestions (if any) of the reviewers and
submit an electronic copy of the final version of their work by the
specified deadline. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal of this
work from further consideration and it will not be included on the
final program. All final papers will be published in the form of
e-proceedings available via the AIS eLibrary. Authors should use the
submission template provided on the SIG web site.  While all authors
are invited to participate in an open call for a special IT project
management issue for the International Journal of Information
Technology and Decision Making edited by Deepak Khazanchi and Stacie
Petter, selected papers will be fast-tracked to this special issue.

For more information, visit the SIG website at www.SIGITProjMgmt.org
or please contact the Workshop Program Chair, Dr. Stacie Petter
(spetter at mail.unomaha.edu) or the Workshop Proceedings Chair, Dr.
Alanah Mitchell (mitchellaj at appstate.edu).

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