[AISWorld] FEEDBACK: Do you use a CONCEPT-CENTRIC MATRIX approach during the literature review process?

Sammon, Dave DSammon at afis.ucc.ie
Thu Jun 2 11:58:10 EDT 2011

Dear members,


Thank you for the responses to the question in my mail earlier this


Overall I received 57 responses across 17 countries, with a surprising
result!  Please see the analysis of the responses received to date:


Some respondents also raised some interesting points and pointed to some
interesting resources and I will communicate further with these members
over the coming week.


Please feel free to comment on the results if you feel the need (if
something strikes you) and indeed please fee free to take part and
answer the question if you want to be part of the exercise. 






Dr. David Sammon
Business Information Systems
O' Rahilly Building
University College Cork
Western Road
Cork, Ireland

t: 00 353 21 4903836




From: aisworld-bounces at lists.aisnet.org
[mailto:aisworld-bounces at lists.aisnet.org] On Behalf Of Sammon, Dave
Sent: 30 May 2011 13:38
To: AISWorld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] A minute of your time on a question of literature


Dear members,


I am part of a research team who are actively researching approaches to
organising the literature review process. 


I would be delighted if you could reply 'YES' or 'NO' to the following




(we refer to the concept-centric matrix approach as popularised by
Webster, Jane and Watson, Richard T. (2002) "Analyzing the Past to
Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review", MIS Quarterly,
26(2) pp. xiii - xxiii.)







Dr. David Sammon
Business Information Systems
O' Rahilly Building
University College Cork
Western Road
Cork, Ireland

t: 00 353 21 4903836



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