[AISWorld] SAICSIT 2011 Call for Papers - Postgraduate Student Symposium

Wallace Chigona mankhwala at gmx.de
Thu Jun 23 05:13:11 EDT 2011

3rd October 2011 at Pavilion Conference Centre, Cape Town Waterfront
SAICSIT 2011 offers a unique opportunity for postgraduate students at masters and doctoral levels to actively engage with knowledgeable and experienced researchers on the first day of the conference (3 October 2011). Successful students will be required to present their research during the dedicated sessions, and will also be required to display their work by means of a poster for the duration of the conference.
Participation is free and open to all CS, IS and IT postgraduate research students at any stage of their research. The Postgraduate Symposium provides an excellent opportunity to:
practice giving conference papers and poster presentations in a friendly environment; 
present your research to peers and experienced supervisors; 
meet other postgraduate researchers working on similar areas of research but based in different Research Centres and universities; 
receive feedback on your research.
The organizing committee now invites candidate participants to apply for participation in the symposium. The symposium consists of 15 minute presentations, poster sessions and interactions with guest lecturers recognized as experts in their fields. There will be two streams for presentations.  These are:
* Computer Science research-in-progress
* Information Systems/Information Technology research-in-progress
Candidate participants should submit a poster abstract (500 words) before 22nd July 2011 via the conference submission page at https://www.softconf.com/c/saicsit2011/ 
The abstract formatting guidelines are similar to the prescribed format for a full research paper which can be found at http://dl.cs.uct.ac.za/conferences/saicsit2011/cfp/paper_template 
The number of participants will be limited to 20 per stream and a confirmation of acceptance will be given by 22nd August 2010. 
Each participant needs to bring to the Symposium a poster that summarizes their research work. Poster dimensions should be maximally 70 x 110 cm.
There is no registration fee for the postgraduate symposium for students who present at the symposium. If they attend the main conference, a registration fee will be charged for the main conference. The postgraduate symposium is open to postgraduate students and invited moderators only.

For more information or questions, contact:
Gary Marsden: gaz at cs.uct.ac.za (Computer Science Stream)
Wallace Chigona: Wallace.chigona at uct.ac.za (Information Systems/Technology Stream)
----[Wallace Chigona]--[ wallace.chigona at uct.ac.za ]---
Associate Professor  
Department of Information Systems
University of Cape Town
Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701,  South Africa   
Tel: (O)+27 21 6504345 
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