[AISWorld] CFP The social dimension of Information Systems. In Memoriam Alessandro D'Atri

Antonio Marturano marturano at btinternet.com
Mon Jun 27 12:28:32 EDT 2011

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*Call for Paper*

*/The Social Dimension of Information Systems: In Memoriam Prof. 
Alessandro D'Atri/*

With the untimely passing of Professor Alessandro D'Atri in April 2011, 
the information systems community lost an important figure. Professor 
D'Atri was a highly accomplished scholar, an innovative educator, and an 
inspirational leader.As a scholar, he made significant contributions to 
many diverse areas of information technology, ranging from computational 
complexity and graph algorithms, to database theory and database user 
interfaces, to virtual enterprises, business organization and 
e-commerce.As a career educator, Professor D'Atri held teaching 
positions at half a dozen universities, where he taught a great variety 
of courses to students at all levels, and has nurtured an impressive 
number of young scholars.Among his many accomplishments as a leader, 
Professor D'Atri founded the enterprising CeRSI Research Centre for 
Information Systems Research in LUISS University in Rome, he was the 
founder of ItAIS, the Italian Chapter of the International Association 
for Information Systems, and he served as a permanent consultant to the 
Italian Ministry of Research and Universities.

Professor D'Atri was also a member of the Editorial Board of the 
/Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society,/ and, in 
recognition, the journal will dedicate a special issue to his memory. 
The guest editors for this issue are Antonio Marturano from the Faculty 
of Economics at LUISS University of Rome and Amihai Motro from the 
Computer Science Department at George Mason University.

The editors are soliciting high-quality papers describing original 
research from those who were influenced by the work of Professor D'Atri, 
and particularly (but not exclusively) former students or colleagues of 
the Professor. Contributions should be within the broad scope of the 
journal, and should focus on /The Social Dimension of Information 
Systems/.Suggested areas include (but are not limited to): ethical 
issues in IS, IS and sustainability, Health Information Systems, 
E-business and E-government, E-services in the private and public 
sectors, the social impact of online education and online communities, 
IS design and development methodologies, IS quality, the impact of IT on 
organizations, information and knowledge management, human-computer 
interaction, and virtual organizations and enterprises.

Manuscripts should be in English, should not exceed 7,000 words, and 
should comply with the guidelines outlined in


Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system

http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jices; (at step 5 of the submission 
process, please select the special issue from options in the drop-down box)

The deadline for submitting manuscripts is September 25, 2011.

Questions should be addressed to Dr. Antonio Marturano at 
marturano at btinternet.com

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