[AISWorld] CFT : Conference on Services in Emerging Markets (Mumbai, India)

Amit Agrahari amit_agra_78 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 4 08:52:46 EDT 2011

CALL FOR TUTORIALS (Submission Dead line extended till July 15th 2011) 

for the
2nd International Conference on Services in Emerging Markets (ICSEM 2011)
“Service Science: Is it the next propeller for takeoff and growth?”
Organized by
Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay (www.som.iitb.ac.in)
Jointly with
Service Research and Innovation Institute (India Chapter)
Date: September 29 – October 1, 2011
Venue: Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay

Service Science is the systematic study of service systems which are
networks of resources (people and technology) that deliver services. This
conference will help to drive innovation in various aspects of services
including design, productivity, quality and scalability. We invite
proposals for tutorials of duration 1.5 to 4 hour from active researchers
and experienced tutors. Ideally, a tutorial will cover the
state-of-the-art research, development and applications in one or more
areas relating to the theme of the conference, and stimulate and
facilitate future work.

By its nature, Service Science is multi-disciplinary research that
integrates aspects of established fields like computer science, operations
research, industrial engineering, business strategy, social and cognitive
sciences, and legal sciences. We encourage submissions of tutorial
proposal on topics related to service science. An illustrative list of
topics includes (but not limited to):

• Service Science Foundations
• Service Management, Operations & Marketing
• Service Design, Modeling, Engineering and Systems
• Service Planning & Execution
• Service Economics
• Service Ethics
• Service Delivery platforms and architectures
•  Applications of OR, Control, Performance Analysis & Machine Learning in the 
above topics
•  Service Enterprise Modeling, Architecture and Integration

Vertical Application areas
• Healthcare, Education, Telecom, Tourism, Homeland Security, IT Services, 
Banking, Microfinance,
• Retail, Logistics & Supply Chain, IT/ITES

Horizontal Application areas
•  Services for BOP;
•  Mobile Technologies for Service Delivery;
•  Service Knowledge Management and Experience Management in Service Delivery;
• Automation of Service Delivery Processes;
• Contact Center Technologies;
• Disaster Recovery and Resiliency in Service Delivery;
• Cloud Technologies for Services

All tutorials will be scheduled on 29th September. A list of last year’s
conference tutorials can be found at

A tutorial proposal should include the following:
• Title of the tutorial
• Instructor(s) and their credentials (CV)
• Aims/Learning objectives
• Three to four page description with enough information to provide a
clear sense of the proposed scope and depth of coverage of the targeted
• Keywords
• Relevant references that would support proposal evaluation
• Format of tutorial (duration and pedagogy)
• Tutorial history (previous offerings of tutorial, if any): Please
indicate the venue, number of attendees, and a pointer to the slides of
the earlier presentation(s), and specify what, if anything, would be
different at ICSEM 2011
• Target Audience Information
• Prerequisite knowledge of audience

Preliminary inquiries and tutorial proposal can be sent to the ICSEM 2011
tutorial chair, Amit Agrahari, amit {at} iiml.ac.in, subject: ICSEM 2011
Tutorial Proposal. Accepted tutorials will receive one free registration
to the conference.
Important Dates

• Tutorials Proposals due: July 15, 2011
• Notification of Acceptance: August 16, 2011
• Camera ready: September 7, 2011

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