[AISWorld] Early Registration for MCIS 2011 ends on July 10th

Elena Karahanna ekarah at uga.edu
Sat Jul 9 13:35:59 EDT 2011

Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems

IS: Crossroads of Technology, People, Organizations and Markets

Limassol, Cyprus - September 3-5, 2011

We hope that you will join us for the MCIS 2011 conference in September in Cyprus. We have a great conference program with such highlights as

- a keynote address by AIS president Dov Te’eni

- several panels including a panel on publishing with Detmar Straub (editor-in-chief of the MIS Quarterly), Ritu Agarwal (editor-in-chief of Information Systems Research), Paul Pavlou (senior Editor for JAIS), and Nancy Pouloudi (Senior Editor for the European Journal for Information Systems) as panelists

- a PLS tutorial workshop by Christian Ringle

- a NeuroIS tutorial by Angelika Dimoka

- a professional development consortium for doctoral students and junior faculty led by Izak Benbasat and Dov Te’eni

- around 90 research and research in progress papers

- and, of course, a wonderful conference location on the beach with plenty of Mediterranean hospitality

As a reminder, early registration for the MCIS 2011 conference ends on July 10th. After this date, conference rates are higher and hotel rooms are subject to availability. To register, please go to www.mcis2011.org<http://www.mcis2011.org>.

We hope to see you in Cyprus in September!

Elena Karahanna, Angelika Kokkinaki and Antonis Stylianou
Conference Co-Chairs
Paul Pavlou, Josep Valor and Hercules Vladimirou
Program Co-Chairs

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