[AISWorld] Call for posters and demos - CGC2011 (Cloud and Green Computing)

Jinjun Chen jinjun.chen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 04:25:22 EDT 2011

Call for Posters and Demos
International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC2011) -
http://www.swinflow.org/confs/cgc2011 12-14 December 2011, Sydney, Australia

Important Dates:
Deadline for proceedings published posters/demos with display during
conference: 30 September 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 2 October 2011
Final versions of proceeding published posters/demos: 10 October 2011
Deadline for web published posters/demos with display during conference: 30
October 2011

Please email your posters/demos to confs.aus at gmail.com with the email
subject as "CGC2011 poster submission".

Two types of posters and demos are welcome. Both of them will be displayed
during the conference.
1. Proceedings published posters and demos: Submission is a 2-page short
paper describing the post/demo content, research, relevance and importance
to Cloud and Green Computing community. If accepted, the 2-page short paper
will be published in the main conference proceedings.

2. Web published posters and demos: Submission is a 1-page extended
abstract. Such posters/demos will not be included in the conference
proceedings, but will be published on the conference website.

Participants are invited to submit posters and research demos to CGC2011.
CGC (Cloud and Green Computing) is created to provide a prime international
forum for both researchers, industry practitioners andenvironment experts to
exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and
practice of Cloud computing and Green computing as well as joint-venture and
synergic research and development across both areas. Topics of interest for
posters and demos include, but not limited to:

· Architectural cloud models

· Programming cloud models

· Provisioning/pricing cloud models

· Data storage and computation in cloud computing

· Resource and large-scale job scheduling in cloud computing

· Security, privacy, trust, risk in cloud computing

· Fault tolerance and reliability in cloud computing

· Access control to cloud computing

· Resource virtualisation

· Monitoring and auditing in cloud

· Scalable and elastic cloud services

· Social computing and impacts on the cloud

· Innovative HCI and touch-screen models and technologies to cloud

· Mobile commerce, handheld commerce and e-markets on cloud

· Intelligent/agent-based cloud computing

· Migration of business applications to cloud

· Cloud use case studies

· Energy aware software, hardware and middleware

· Energy efficient IT architecture

· Energy efficient resource scheduling and optimisation

· Energy efficient clustering and computing

· Large-scale energy aware data storage and computation

· Energy aware control, monitoring and HCI design

· Energy efficient networking and operation

· Energy efficient design of VLSI and micro-architecture

· Intelligent energy management

· Green data centers

· Green IT

· Green IS

· Energy aware resource usage and consumption

· Smart power grid and virtual power stations

· Energy policy, social behaviour and government management

· Teleworking, tele-conferences and virtual meeting

· Low power electronics and energy recycling

· Green computing case studies

· Energy efficient Internet of Things

· Energy efficient cloud architecture

· Energy aware data storage and computation in cloud computing

· Energy aware scheduling, monitoring, auditing in cloud

· Case studies of green cloud computing.

Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney
Chang Liu, University of Technology Sydney
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