[AISWorld] Call for Participation: EIURA Forum on Cloud Computing

Markus Helfert markus.helfert at computing.dcu.ie
Fri Sep 9 18:00:40 EDT 2011

**     Call for Participation    **
**         EIURA Forum on        **
**                               **
**         Cloud Computing       **
**                               **
**    Date: 30th September 2011  **
**    Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel  **
**   Northwood, Dublin, Ireland  **
**                               **
**        www.eiura.org          **

The EIURA Forum, organised by the European Industry University Research 
Association (EIURA), provides a platform for collaboration between 
Industry and Universities in leading edge research areas. It also offers 
an ideal opportunity to meet other delegates from research and practice 
with their own problems, ideas, experiences and solutions. The case 
studies will give you the opportunity to learn from those who have 
already implemented world class approaches and solutions or have managed 
collaborative projects.

Registration and information:

Programme Outline (details at www.eiura.org/forum.html)
Session 1:
-Jorge Gasós Head of Sector, Software and Service Architectures and 
Infrastructures Unit, European Commission
-Paul Rellis MD Microsoft Ireland
-John Shaw CEO Mainstream Renewable Power
-Prof. Domenico Talia  Director of the Research Institute ICAR (CNR Italy)

Session 2: Project Pitches
6 Project Proposals - 10 Minutes each
-Dr. Lai Xu, Bournemouth University,UK: Smart Cloud for Customising 
Cities’ Processes
-Prof. Jason Kuruzovich, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA: Cloud 
Computing and Enterprise Formation: Examining and Facilitating Search 
Processes of Entrepreneurs
-Dr. Anthony Karageorgos, Technological Educational Institute of 
Larissa, Greece: COMPOSER: COmposition and Management of Polymorphic 
-Dr. Brian O'Flaherty, University College Cork, Ireland: Service 
Blueprinting for Cloud Computing Infrastructure
-Prof. Mike Scott, Dublin City University, Ireland: Cloud Computing and 
-Dr Abel Usoro, University of the West of Scotland, UK: Cloud for 
storage and computational needs of Higher Education in the EU

Session 3:
-Sean McCarthy  Hyperion Ltd
-Stephen Reilly  National Contact Point FP7, Enterprise Ireland
-Bobby Kerr  CEO Insomnia and Dragon’s Den
-Georgios Theodoropous  Senior Research Scientist, Exascale Research 
Lab, IBM Ireland

Session 4: Expert Panel

Further Information and Contact:
European Industry University Research Association (EIURA)

Kandoy House
2 Fairview Strand
Dublin 3

Tel: +353 1 902 3974

Fax: +353 1 869 0655

email: info at eiura.org

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