[AISWorld] Final call: pre-ICIS sigIQ workshop 2011 at Shanghai

Yurong Yao yyao at suffolk.edu
Sat Oct 8 00:04:56 EDT 2011

Quality Information in Organizations and Society

PreICIS Workshop Sponsored by sigIQ, AIS
Time: Saturday, December 3, 2011
Place: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

** Extended Deadline: Tuesday, October 18, 2011.
     Acceptance decision: October  24, 2011

Organizations have used information for strategic and operational needs. Despite this long history, the role and impact of quality information continue to elude organizations. The intent of this workshop, which is sponsored by sigIQ AIS, is to share research findings and experiences of how organizations use and produce quality information to differentiate and achieve various organizational goals. The workshop is open to a variety of research methods including qualitative, quantitative, and design science approaches. We are also seeking interdisciplinary approaches. This inaugural workshop is seeking completed research papers, research-in-progress, cases, educational games, and experience reports in the following topic areas, but not limited to:

  *   The role or impact of information on organizational processes or performance
  *   The Role or impact of  information for globalization
  *   The Role or impact of information for e-government
  *   The Role or impact of information for sustainability
  *   The Role or impact of information for healthcare service delivery
  *   Aligning information flow with work processes for reducing error or other purposes
  *   Information sharing in supply chains
  *   The impact of standards and policies of information quality, work processes, or performance
  *   Innovative data management techniques and governance mechanisms, such as, source-tagging, context-interchange, entity resolution, master data management, meta-data management, data warehouse, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relations management (CRM).
  *   Innovative data mining techniques for “big” data
  *   Information visualization
  *   The emerging and changing role of information-related personnel: chief data officers, chief information officers, information quality managers
  *   Issues related to quality information: privacy, security, information ethics, information policy and strategies.
1.       The workshop particularly welcomes papers addressing research issues in healthcare, finance, and e-government.
2.       The workshop welcomes both quantitative and qualitative research such as, empirical, interpretive, modeling, design science, action research, and case studies.
3.       The workshop welcomes all disciplinary lenses used, such as, economics, cognitive psychology, sociology, computer science, political science and MIS.
4.       Outstanding completed research papers will be fast-tracked to ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (acmJDIQ)

Key Dates
Extended Deadline: Tuesday, October 18, 2011.
Acceptance decision: October  24, 2011

Submit your manuscripts to: sigIQworkshop at gmail.com<mailto:sigIQworkshop at gmail.com>
Completed Research Paper: maximum 5,000 words
Research-in-progress Paper, case, game and others: maximum 3,000 words

Each paper will be reviewed by program chairs and at least one reviewer.

Inquiry: sigIQworkshop at gmail.com<mailto:sigIQworkshop at gmail.com>
Registration: US $50

Workshop Schedule
Saturday: Workshop (9am-5pm)
Saturday, Premier Panel: Senior Scholars on Research Methods
Saturday: Social Dinner (optional)

Program Chairs
Yurong Yao, Suffolk University (Lead Program Chair)yyao at suffolk.edu<mailto:yyao at suffolk.edu>
Dennis Lee, Suffolk University
Huizhang Shen, Shanghai JiaoTong University
Rongming Ren, Shanghai JiaoTong University
Leo Pipino, U Mass Lowell

Local Arrangement Chairs: Huizhang Shen and Rongming Ren

Workshop General Chair
Yang Lee, Northeastern University (on leave to MIT) ylee at mit.edu<mailto:ylee at mit.edu>; y.lee at neu.edu<mailto:y.lee at neu.edu>
Stuart Madnick, MIT, smadnick at mit.edu<mailto:smadnick at mit.edu>

Sponsors: sigIQ, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Suffolk University, Northeastern University, MIT IQ Program.

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