[AISWorld] Reminder SWDSI final extension Oct 20, 2011

Janet Bailey jlbailey at ualr.edu
Wed Oct 19 01:00:38 EDT 2011



The deadline for submitting abstracts/papers for the 43rd SWDSI Conference,
February 29-March 3, 2012 in New Orleans has been extended through October
20, 2011.  Submissions should be made at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swdsi2012 with a second copy
emailed to drjanetbailey at live.com.   Please contact me at
drjanetbailey at live.com if you have problems with the EasyChair website.

Please note that this is the final extension possible for this conference.

Even if you are unable to attend this year yourself, you can still help by
mailing all your friends and colleagues and let them know it is not too late
to submit to one of the best and most economical conferences in our region.

The top student papers will receive monetary awards.  In addition,
outstanding papers will be recommended to a number of journal editors for
fast track reviews and possible publication.  At the moment we only have 2
student papers - please encourage your students to submit.  This is an
excellent conference and group for students to start at.


In addition to competitive papers and abstracts there will be a special
workshop on Phone 7 Development and teaching your students to make money in
the Marketplace. The workshop will be taught by leading Microsoft
professionals.  You won't want to miss this opportunity.  Please email me
with your desire to attend this workshop as I need to make sure to request a
room large enough for everyone who wants to attend. 


There will also be a Graduate Student/New Faculty Workshop and a Not-So-New
Faculty Workshop (well hey, those of us who have been around for a while
want a chance to learn from each other too. J)



The SWDSI 2012 conference website is located at
http://www.swdsi.org/swdsi2012/.   Formatting instructions are also located
on the conference site.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact me.


Remember - There's a track for Everyone!!!  


Accounting, Erick Valentine, Grambling State University,
<mailto:valentinee at gram.edu> valentinee at gram.edu 

Business Environment, Law, Ethics and Cross-Cultural Studies, Khaled
Al-Share, Qatar University, kalshare at qu.edu.qa 

Economics, Health Care and Quality, Barbara Hewitt,
<mailto:bhewitt at tamusa.tamus.edu> bhewitt at tamusa.tamus.edu 

E-Commerce, June Lu University of Houston - Victoria, luj at uhv.edu 

Entrepreneurship and Finance, Melissa Melancon, The Univerisity of Louisiana
at Monroe, melancon at ulm.edu   
DSS/ES/KM Richard Woolridge, University of Arkansas at Little Rock,
<mailto:rwwoolridge at ualr.edu> rwwoolridge at ualr.edu
International Business,   Bradley K. Jensen, Microsoft,
<mailto:bjensen at microsoft.com> bjensen at microsoft.com 
Innovative Education, Fred Kitchens, Ball State University,
<mailto:fkitchens at bsu.edu> fkitchens at bsu.edu
Online Learning, Shoreh Hashemi, University of Houston Downtown,
<mailto:HashemiS at uhd.edu> HashemiS at uhd.edu 

Information Security & Privacy, Joseph Schuessler, Tarleton State
University,  <mailto:SCHUESSLER at tarleton.edu> SCHUESSLER at tarleton.edu.

Management Information Systems, Mark McMurtrey, University of Central
Arkansas, markmc at uca.edu 
Management and Organizational Behavior Clay Posey, University of Arkansas at
Little Rock,  <mailto:mcposey at ualr.edu> mcposey at ualr.edu 
Marketing, Susan Chinburg, Rogers State University,
<mailto:schinloc at yahoo.com> schinloc at yahoo.com

Operations & Supply Chain Management, Hong Qin, University of Texas Pan
American,  <mailto:hqin at utpa.edu> hqin at utpa.edu
E-Government/Non-Profit, James Parrish, Nova Southeastern University,
<mailto:jlparrish at nova.edu> jlparrish at nova.edu 
Quantitative Methods & Quality, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, University of
Texas Pan American, andohbaidoof at utpa.edu 

Special Panels, Brian Reithel, The University of Mississippi,
<mailto:breithel at bus.olemiss.edu> breithel at bus.olemiss.edu 

Student Track, Nalini Govindarajulu, Creighton University,
NaliniGovindarajulu at creighton.edu 

I look forward to your submissions and seeing you at the conference!



Janet L. Bailey, PhD 

Assoc Professor of MIS University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Dept of Management 

 <mailto:jlbailey at ualr.edu> jlbailey at ualr.edu |
<mailto:drjanetbailey at live.com> drjanetbailey at live.com 

The College of Business serves as a catalyst to advance education and
economic development in the State of Arkansas


The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are

but on how happy others can be because of you


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