[AISWorld] AMCIS 2012, IS in Healthcare Mini Track Call for Submissions

Richard Klein kleinrichard at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 2 13:16:47 EDT 2011

AMCIS 2012, IS in Healthcare Mini Track Call for Submissions

November 16, 2011 is the Deadline for Submitting Mini-tracks at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012

Guodong (Gordon) Gao, University of Maryland, ggao at rhsmith.umd.edu
Richard Klein, Clemson University, rklein at clemson.edu
Nirup M. Menon, George Mason University, nmenon at gmu.edu

Information systems (IS) offer significant potential to improve quality and efficiency of care delivery, enable new forms of healthcare organizations, and transform patient behavior. However, to fully exploit the power of healthcare IS, significant challenges must be overcome. Consistent with the 2012 conference theme, reflect and redefine, designing the digital future, the focus of this track is on the design, implementation, adoption, and use of healthcare IS, as well as quantifying the impact of IS on clinical and financial performance at the patient, physician, hospital/healthcare facility, and national levels. Digitizing healthcare represents a rare and remarkable opportunity for information systems researchers, and we welcome IS studies from a variety of reference disciplines including computer science, economics, organizational behavior, public policy, software engineering, and strategy. Mini-tracks suggested topics:

Health IS design
Barriers to health IS adoption
Health IS technology selection and vendor competition
Implementation and adaptation processes of health IS
Enablers for meaningful use of health IS
Health IS role in supporting rapid learning and decision making
Health IS impact on workflow, clinical outcome, and financial performance
Patient privacy and data security
Health data standard and exchange
Online health information
Health programs and behavioral changes
Quality certification, transparency, and competition among care providers
Online market mechanism design for insurance procurement and management
Healthcare supply chain management
The role of policy and regulation
New organizational forms enabled by health IS
Global health IS

IS in Healthcare Tract information at http://amcis2012.aisnet.org/index.php/program/tracks-and-minitracks/59

Dr Richard Klein, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Clemson University
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