[AISWorld] FW: What is Enterprise Architecture? A SIMposium panel discussion with John Zachman, Jeanne Ross, Nancy Wolff, and Leon Kappelman

Kappelman, Leon Leon.Kappelman at unt.edu
Sun Nov 20 01:23:23 EST 2011

What is Enterprise Architecture?
A panel (of John Zachman, Jeanne Ross, Nancy Wolff, and Leon Kappelman, moderated by Edwin Nassiff) at the Society for Information Management's annual conference mostly agrees on the key elements but differs in their descriptions of layers of strategy and execution

Information Management Online, November 16, 2011

Orlando -- Widely pursued as it is, the topic of enterprise architecture is not something all experts are aligned on, even in definition.

"We talk about enterprise architecture yet we don't even always agree what it is," said Edwin Nassif, who moderated a panel at the Society for Information Management's<http://www.simnet.org/> SIMposium 2011 in Orlando. "If we don't agree, how do we convince anybody we're working for ... that we're looking for business/IT alignment when we can't get agreement among ourselves.

Four well-known enterprise architecture experts were tasked with describing and defining the topic in a single slide for the discussion: John Zachman of the Zachman Institute, Nancy Wolff, director IT strategies at Auxis, a Washington, D.C. consultancy, Leon Kappelman, Ph.D. author, from the University of North Texas, and Jeanne Ross, Ph.D. MIT Sloan School and director of MIT's Computer Systems Resource Center.

Each expert's slide was required to include the terms "enterprise," "strategy," "enterprise architecture," "alignment" and "IT architecture" (in blue) From there, the flow charts plugged in elective words like "goals," "projects," "vision," "governance" and "business plans" (in orange).
The rest of the article and each of our slides can be found at http://www.information-management.com/news/enterprise-architecture-ERP-BI-SIM-10021528-1.html?zkPrintable=true

Hope all is good with you!

Best wishes,

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." - Albert Einstein

Leon A. Kappelman, Ph.D.
  Professor of Information Systems
  Director Emeritus, Information Systems Research Center
  Fellow, Texas Center for Digital Knowledge
    College of Business, University of North Texas
    Voice: 940-565-4698   Fax: 940-565-4935  Email: kapp at unt.edu<mailto:kapp at unt.edu>
    Website: http://courses.unt.edu/kappelman/
Founding Chair, Society for Information Management's Enterprise Architecture Working Group
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