[AISWorld] 2011 SIM Academic Workshop -- December 4 in Shanghai

Mary Sumner msumner at siue.edu
Tue Nov 22 10:19:09 EST 2011

Pre-ICIS SIM Academic Workshop 2011

Co-sponsored by MIS Quarterly Executive

Enterprises and People on the Move: 

Managing Mobility for Business Value 


Sunday, December 4, 2011

11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Gran Melia Hotel Shanghai (hotel map is on ICIS website)



11:00 - 11:10 AM        Welcome and Introductions


11:10 - 11:40 AM      Ubiquitous Banking - Going Beyond Mobile Banking 

                                    Chengqi Guo (James Madison University),
J.P. Shim (Goergia State University) and Jongtae Yu (University of Utah)


11:40 - 12:10 PM       Mobile Media Use by Road-Warrior Consultants 

                                    Stefan Stieglitz (University of
Muenster) and Tobias Brockmann (University of Muenster)


12:10 - 12:40 PM      Mobile Connectivity in Financial Services: a
Longitudinal Study of Connectivity and Productivity 

                                    Kristine Dery (University of Sydney) and
Judi MacCormick (University of New South Wales)


12:40 - 1:25 PM        Lunch (provided)

                                    Presentation by Carol V. Brown,
Editor-in-Chief, MISQE

                                    "Writing Up Research for the MISQE


1:25 - 1:55 PM          Mobile IS for Executives 

                                    Jorg Mayer and Robert Winter (University
of St. Gallen)


1:55 - 2:25 PM         Smartwork Diffusion in Korea 

                                    Joosung Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology), Wenxing Ba (KAIST), Sanghyun Park (KAIST) and
Jaekyung Eo (National Information Society Agency, Korea)


2:25 - 2:55 PM          Mobile Advertising Approaches 

                                    Mahai Calin (ETH-Zurich) and Basil Hess


2:55 - 3:00 PM           Closing Comments



Registration:  $100 U.S. for all participants ($0 for SIM Academic
Institution members)


If you have not yet registered for ICIS 2011: include this Ancillary Event -
SIM Academic Workshop, as part of your registration. 

If you have already registered for ICIS 2011: you can add this Ancillary
Event - SIM Academic Workshop, to your registration OR contact Lise
Fitzpatrick, AIS Conference Director at  <mailto:lisemfitzpatrick at gmail.com>
lisemfitzpatrick at gmail.com


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