[AISWorld] AISWorld Digest, Vol 26, Issue 4

Lorne Olfman Lorne.Olfman at cgu.edu
Sat Dec 3 17:13:09 EST 2011


Long trip for a short visit; then again, the same is true for me.

What are your plans today? Maybe we can do lunch or coffee?


-----Original Message-----
From: aisworld-bounces at lists.aisnet.org [mailto:aisworld-bounces at lists.aisnet.org] On Behalf Of aisworld-request at lists.aisnet.org
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2011 2:00 AM
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: AISWorld Digest, Vol 26, Issue 4

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Today's Topics:

   1. Title	Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor in
      Healthcare Management (Chen, Li)
   2. Final Call for Participation: CGC2011 (Cloud and Green
      Computing) and SCA2011 (Social Computing and Applications)
      (Jinjun Chen)
      (j.vanhillegersberg at utwente.nl)
   4. CFP KREAM 2012 at ICCS, Omaha, Applied models and knowledge
      representation in computational science (Miguel-Angel Sicilia)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 14:29:47 -0500
From: "Chen, Li" <lchen at uncfsu.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Cc: "King, Ruth" <rking6 at uncfsu.edu>
Subject: [AISWorld] Title	Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor
	in Healthcare Management
	<B87B5D7F49AE1C4684F8610943D5E858CA841250 at FSUMBX.uncfsu.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

(Please accept our apologies for cross-posting)

Title	Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor

Nature of Position:	Fayetteville State University is currently seeking a tenure track Assistant/ Associate professors to join our Management faculty team in the School of Business and Economics for the fall 2012 semester.  The persons hired will be expected to teach health informatics, Healthcare Quality Management and/or Healthcare Law, Policy and Governance. 

Specific responsibilities will include:
?	Teaching undergraduate/graduate courses
?	Serving as academic advisor for undergraduate students
?	Conducting research leading to peer reviewed publications 
?	Providing service to the University and community 

Fayetteville State University, a constituent of the University of North Carolina system, offers over 65 academic degree programs. The School of Business and Economics is accredited by AACSB International and is ranked among the top 150 business schools by SSRN. The Schools serves 1000+ students and offers four undergraduate and one graduate (MBA) program.

Qualifications:	Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree from an AACSB accredited school. ABDs are encouraged to apply. Business experience is a plus. 

Salary:	Salaries are in line with comparably sized AACSB accredited institutions. 

Application Deadline:	Review of all applications will begin December 1 and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of interest, a curriculum vita, copy of graduate transcripts, and contact information of three professional references to: http://www.uncfsu.edu/humres/vacancies.htm  

Inquiries can be directed to: 

Dr. Ruth C. King
Professor and Chair
Department of Management
Email: rking6 at uncfsu.edu

FSU is an equal opportunity employer.


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 14:49:54 +1100
From: Jinjun Chen <jinjun.chen at gmail.com>
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call for Participation: CGC2011 (Cloud and
	Green Computing) and SCA2011 (Social Computing and Applications)
	<CA+2GQBWbUQHw3ZrniaRatH7sRje66z-H3djHQFM7WupSLC5-8A at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Final Call for Participation

12-14 Dec. 2011, Sydney, Australia.

CGC2011 (Cloud and Green Computing) - http://www.swinflow.org/confs/cgc2011/
SCA2011 (Social Computing and its Applications) - http://www.swinflow.org/confs/sca2011/
DASC2011 (Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing) - http://www.swinflow.org/confs/dasc2011/
PICom2011 (Pervasive Intelligence and Computing) - http://www.swinflow.org/confs/picom2011/
EmbeddedCom2011 (Embedded Computing) -

The final conference program has been released at http://www.swinflow.org/confs/cgc2011/Program.pdf.

Highlights of the conferences and their program:
- Coverage of current domain hot topics
- 7 keynote speeches
- Panel summit on "Cloud Computing vs Social Media"
- 30 presentation sessions with more than 200 attendants expected
- Poster display through the whole conference period with more than 15 posters.
- A rehearsal Xmas atmosphere yet with broad networking with many domain scholars
- Enjoying the biggest city in Australia such as Darling harbour and China Town within walk distance

- Industry tutorial 1: Amazon AWS
Title: Amazon Web Services 101 - Background & Introduction
Presenter: Nick Walton ? Regional Sales Manager, Amazon AWS Australia

- Industry tutorial 2 - IBM
Title: IBM's Academic Initiative in the Cloud
Presenter: John Schilt - Academic Initiative Manager, IBM Australia/New Zealand  Please visit individual conference websites listed above regarding registration, accommodation and visa issues.

Look forward to seeing you then.

Associate Professor Jinjun Chen (PhD)
Director - Lab of Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007, Australia.

Tel: +61 2 9514 1831
Fax: +61 2 9514 4492
Office: CB 10.04.356(Room 04.356, Level 4, Building 10, City Campus)
 Email: Jinjun.Chen at uts.edu.au
 URL: http://www.swinflow.org/~jchen/
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Message: 3
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 14:32:16 +0100
From: <j.vanhillegersberg at utwente.nl>
To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
	<8BBE7EAFA465BC46BCFD8F749664BDA102E20752 at EX03.service.utwente.nl>
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The 21th European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2013 - Beyond Borders June 5-8, 2013, Utrecht, the Netherlands

In 2013 the European Conference on Information Systems will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, hosted by Utrecht University. The theme of the
conference: "Beyond Borders" refers to having an open mind towards new ways of doing research and establishing novel partnerships for conducting research. It also links to the multi-disciplinary nature of the field of Information Systems where we often work outside IS and collaborate with researchers in diverse disciplines. Where the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 established borders to create peace, its 300-anniversary marks an era where the internet enables information systems to move beyond borders. 

As in previous years, the conference will be organized around conference tracks, focusing on both established and emergent areas of IS research.
If you aspire to be a track chair for ECIS 2013, this call is for you.
We are inviting you to propose a conference track and to submit it to the PC chairs at ecis2013 at list.science.uu.nl. 

Each proposal will be evaluated by the programme and conference chairs.
Decisions will be based on the overall merit of the proposal, the diversity of the track team and the fit with the conference theme. The program chairs will select tracks with the objective being to balance the more traditional IS topics with emerging topics of interest. If needed, track proposals might be merged in order to obtain the best possible coverage of topics and the best mix of track chairs.

Your responsibilities as a track chair will be to:
1)  Promote the track and take sufficient measures to ensure an adequate number of submissions
2) Organize a peer review cycle for the papers submitted to your track assisted by a set of Associate Editors. Track chairs will nominate associate editors for the reviewing process. The PC Chairs will support for a sufficient and capable set of associate editors to perform the high quality reviewing
3) Propose to the program committee the papers that will eventually be accepted for inclusion into the conference program; nominate papers for the best paper award
4) Create an attractive track program and nominate session chairs
5) Liaise with the research chairs on all other matters that concern ECIS 2013

*	Email track proposal to ecis2013 at list.science.uu.nl as soon as
possible, but no later than February 1st, 2012
*	Notifications of acceptance or rejection of proposed tracks will
be sent out in early March 2012

Track proposals should provide a motivation for the track, a brief overview of the area, sample topics, types of contributions welcomed, and an assessment of overall appeal to conference attendees.
Specifically, track proposals should include:
1)  title for the conference track
2) Names, e-mail and mailing addresses, affiliations, phone numbers, urls of website, and short bios of the two to three track co-chairs.
Please designate one of the co-chairs as the primary contact person.
3) A short description of the track and its focus: define the proposed area of research, discuss the topics the track will address, and how they align with the ECIS 2013 conference theme.
4) A discussion on how these topics have recently been covered in other conferences and publications, and to substantiate that ECIS 2013 will be an appropriate and timely forum for the topics.
5) A discussion on what types of contributions are sought for: full research papers, research in progress, and/or teaching cases.
6) A list of tentative Associate Editors for the proposed track (between
5 and 15). Please provide names and affiliations, and the extent to which they may already have committed themselves to serve as AEs for your track.
7) Your track record (if any) in organising tracks, or in other academic services in the IS community.

When putting together your track team (that is, chairs and AEs), please be aware that the Research and Research in Progress chairs will look favourably on diversity in gender, experience, and geographical background. It is therefore worthwhile to emphasise the diversity of the track team in your proposal.

Track proposals should be e-mailed to ecis2013 at list.science.uu.nl as soon as possible, but no later than 1 February 2012. Please note that in order to ensure interesting and sufficiently extensive range of tracks, the ECIS2013 Programme Committee might approach you with a suggestion to modify your track proposal; or in case there are proposal for same or similar topics, the committee might ask you to consider joining forces with another proposing group. Track proposals that do not meet the criteria can be directly rejected by the program chairs. Notifications of acceptance or rejection of proposed tracks will be sent out in early March 2012.

Ronald Batenburg, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, program co-chair Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, general chair Regina Conolly, Dublin City University, Ireland, program co-chair Eric van Heck, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, program co-chair Remko Helms, Utrecht University, organizing chair Jos van Hillegersberg, University of Twente, The Netherlands, program co-chair Sarah Spiekermann, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, program co-chair

The call for tracks can be downloaded from the conference website:
www.ecis2013.nl (under downloads)


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 17:18:30 +0100
From: Miguel-Angel Sicilia <msicilia at uah.es>
To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP KREAM 2012 at ICCS, Omaha, Applied models and
	knowledge representation in computational science
Message-ID: <CB000A15.3DE8C%msicilia at uah.es>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="UTF-8"

Call for Papers KREAM? 2012

Applied models and knowledge representation in computational science http://www.ieru.org/org/kream/2012/

KREAM is at the
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) Omaha, June 4 - June 6, 2012 http://www.iccs-meeting.org/

The development of ontologies, metadata schemas and other kinds of models that are shared, reused and enriched for computational science tasks is continuously growing. Computational science techniques require, in many cases, models and representations of knowledge for the complex processes supporting research in the different fields, and complex models are also required to capture the research context itself.
The Knowledge representation and applied models and metadata in computational science (KREAM) workshop complements other workshops that are specific to some discipline or technique providing an inter-disciplinary account that emphasizes the role of knowledge representations and ontologies and their related software engineering issues use in computational science contexts, providing opportunities for the transfer of techniques from domains and exposing advanced practices using models that may be reused across different disciplines.
Therefore, suggested topics for the KREAM? 2012 workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Analysis & development of knowledge representations.
- Concrete applications of knowledge representations, schemas and models in computational science.
- Design of e-science infrastructure and software support.
- Evaluation of knowledge representations, models and schemas.

Submissions must be sent through the ICCS system:
A selection of the best papers presented at the workshop will be invited to prepare extended versions for a special issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science.

Important Dates
- Full papers submission: January 20, 2012
- Notification of acceptance of papers: February 9, 2012
- Camera ready papers: March 1, 2012
- KREAM 2012 workshop: June 4-6 2012

Scientific committee chairs
- Dr. Miguel-Angel Sicilia, University of Alcal??, E-mail:
- Dr. Nikos Manouselis, Agro-Know Technologies, GREECE
- Dr. Pythagoras Karampiperis, National Center for Scientific Research, ?


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End of AISWorld Digest, Vol 26, Issue 4

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