[AISWorld] DOCTORAL STUDENT IN INFORMATICS,with an information security profile,at Örebro University School of Business, Sweden

Karin Hedström karin.hedstrom at oru.se
Wed Jan 25 09:40:35 EST 2012

with an information security profile
at Örebro University School of Business, Sweden
ref. no. CFP 204-232/2011

We are seeking a doctoral student to join our research study programme 
in informatics, starting in the spring of 2012.

The Informatics department at Örebro University offers two undergraduate 
programmes, the Programme of Systems Analysis and the Programme of 
Systems Development, as well as the international master’s programme 
Electronic Government. In addition, we offer a number of single courses 
and various contract courses. The research carried out within the 
department is mainly geared towards information security, electronic 
government, system development methodology, as well as IT and learning. 
In addition to extensive international collaboration, the department is 
represented within two research schools at Örebro University: 
Technology-Mediated Knowledge Processes and Örebro Research School on 
Public Affairs. We are now seeking a doctoral student within the field 
of information security with the purpose of elaborating the existing 
cooperation between informatics and the computer engineering department 
(Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems), also at Örebro University.

As a doctoral student you will study the use of sensor technology and 
intelligent systems for the monitoring of the elderly in their home 
environments from an information security perspective. The aim is to 
contribute to the development of secure sensor technology and secure 
intelligent systems that also respect privacy. In this context, secure 
refers to such use of sensor technology and intelligent systems that 
safeguards the information collected as confidential, not subject to 
modification, and accessible. With privacy being a much debated concept, 
there lays a great challenge in balancing privacy together with other 
important values, such as accessible information. The research project 
will in part include data collection in Swedish.

Information on the Internet
Information on admission regulations, the application form, the general 
syllabus for the subject, a student handbook, and other information can 
be found at Örebro University’s homepage: 

The programme
The opening is for research studies concluding with a doctoral degree. 
The programme comprises 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of 
full-time study.

Information on the programme can be found in the general syllabus for 
informatics as well as in the handbook for research studies at Örebro 
University, Regelhandboken.

Entry requirements and selection
For admission to research studies, applicants are required to meet the 
general and specific entry requirements. In addition, they must be 
considered in other respects to have the ability required to benefit 
from the programme. For information on the full entry requirements, 
please refer to the Admission Regulations and appendix 2 to the general 
syllabus for informatics.

General entry requirements
Alt A. The general entry requirements are met if the applicant, before 1 
July 2007, has completed an undergraduate programme of at least 120 
credits under the previous Swedish credit system (corresponding to three 
years of full-time study).

Alt B. The general entry requirements are also met by applicants who
1. have been awarded a second-cycle qualification (master’s level),
2. have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 
credits (four years), of which at least 60 credits (one year) was 
awarded on the second cycle, or
3. have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in 
Sweden or abroad.
An applicant with a completed programme or obtained qualification from 
Swedish undergraduate higher education under the previous system 
corresponding to the entry requirements in items B1 and B2 also meet the 
general entry requirements. The university may permit exemptions from 
the criteria B1-B3 for an individual applicant, if there are special 

Specific entry requirements
An applicant meets the specific entry requirements for research studies 
in the subject if he or she as part of her university qualifications has 
passed courses of at least 90 credits, including an independent project 
at the advanced course level/60 credit level in informatics. An 
applicant who has acquired substantially corresponding knowledge, in 
Sweden or abroad, also meet the specific entry requirements.

An applicant with a completed programme or obtained qualification from 
Swedish undergraduate higher education under the previous system 
corresponding to the entry requirements in the previous paragraph also 
meets the entry requirements. This primarily refers to passed courses of 
at least 60 credits (including an independent project on the advanced 
course level/60 credit level) in informatics.

The assessment whether the applicant in other respects has such ability 
to benefit from the programme shall be made based on his/her education 
and other previous activities, as well as on the essays and other 
independent projects of a scholarly nature that have been submitted by 
the applicant.

In selecting between eligible applicants, their ability to benefit from 
the programme shall be taken into account and the selection is made 
based on the university’s selection criteria, see appendix 2 to the 
general syllabus for informatics. If applicants are found to have equal 
qualifications, preference will be given to applicants of the 
underrepresented sex. The underrepresented sex here refers to when the 
share of either female or male students enrolled on the research study 
programme in question is less than 40 per cent.

Doctoral grant
Student finance is linked to the place on the programme in the form of a 
government-funded doctoral grant. A combination of the doctoral grant 
and a part-time assistant appointment, within which the doctoral student 
to a limited extent would work in teaching, research or administration, 
may come into question. The hours spent on such duties will in that case 
be added to the length of the four-year study programme. A student in 
receipt of a doctoral grant shall, on application, be appointed to a 
doctoral studentship no later than on the date on which, according to 
the individual study plan, the equivalent of two years of full-time 
study remains until the award of the PhD.

For more information and further details of the programme, please 
contact Fredrik Karlsson (Informatics) +46 (0)19-30 39 94 alt. +46 
(0)70-533 94 27 or Amy Loutfi (Computer Engineering) +46 (0)19-30 11 16.

Trade union representatives are: Owe L Johansson (SACO), Robert Persson 
(OFR) and Odd Johansson (SEKO). They can all be reached via the 
switchboard, +46 (0)19-30 30 00.

To apply for the programme, please use the application form. The 
application form also contains instructions on any enclosures required.

Application for a doctoral grant
The doctoral grant must be applied for using a separate form, see 
doctoral grant application form.

Your application, marked with ref. no. CFP 204-232/2011, shall be 
submitted no later than 10 February 2012. Please enclose all documents 
supporting your application as instructed on the application form. Send 
the application (in three sets of copies) to Örebro University, Records 
Office, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden.

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