[AISWorld] SCIS deadline extension

Pär Ågerfalk par.agerfalk at im.uu.se
Fri Jan 27 06:46:50 EST 2012

The submission deadline for the 3rd Scandinavian Conference on IS has been extended until Feb 15, 2012 (firm).

SCIS 2012, hosted by Uppsala University, promises to be a very exciting event on the theme "Designing the Interactive Society". The number of participants is limited and preference will be given to those with accepted papers.

Program highlights include keynotes by Alan Hevner and Shirley Gregor and a panel on "Design Science Research: A Scandinavian Approach?", featuring the keynote speakers, Ola Henfridsson, Tuure Tuunanen, Jan Pries-Heje and Tone Bratteteig.

For more information, please visit http://iris.im.uu.se/

Prof. Pär J. Ågerfalk, Ph.D.
Chair in Computer Science in Intersection with Social Sciences
Dean, Swedish Research School of Management and IT

Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media
P.O. Box 513
SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden

E-mail: par.agerfalk at im.uu.se
Best voice choice: +46 70 4250296 (mobile)
Office phone: +46 18 4711064
Fax: +46 18 4717867


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