[AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2012 Mini-Track on Information & Communications Technologies Issues in Greater China Region

Dai, Hua hdai at uwlax.edu
Mon Feb 6 14:58:56 EST 2012


*America’s Conference for Information Systems 2012*

*August 9-12, Seattle, Washington, USA*

TRACK: ICTs in Global Development
MINI-TRACK: *Information & Communications Technologies Issues in Greater
China Region*

During the last three decades, China has made dramatic progresses and
Chinese economy has been increasingly integrated into world economy. This
mini-track is mainly concerned with the role that information and
communication technologies (ICT) have been playing in this process. For the
purpose of this mini-track, the term Greater China Region refers to the
geographical area of Chinese culture with regard to the economic
development, not to political entities. This includes the economies of
China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, and extends to countries like Malaysia
or Singapore whose national economies are strongly impacted by Chinese
owned and/or managed businesses as well as large numbers of Chinese
consumers. Driven by the fast growing economy many companies in this region
have launched ambitious strategic plans in ICT, and governments have been
pursuing aggressive policies to open up new business opportunities and to
reinforce the development of the ICT industry specifically and  the
adoptions of ICT across industries in general.

This mini-track intends to provide a forum for researchers to present and
discuss ICT issues from the particular perspective of the Chinese
background. All paper submissions need to address some issue that is
specific to the Chinese setting.

* *
Suggested specific topics include but are not restricted to the following:

1. The economic and social aspects of ICT

2. The impact of government policies in ICT industry and ICT application
across industries

3. Software industry development and strategies

4. Intellectual property rights and policies

5. ICT infrastructure

6. Cultural aspects in ICT development, deployment, and acceptance

7. Open Source Software movement

8. IT Outsourcing and managing global outsourcing relationships

9. E-Commerce /M-Commerce and new business models

10. E-Government and E-Participation

11. Web 2.0 and its implications

12. Digital Divide in Rural and Urban Areas

We welcome papers of all methodological approaches. Papers that do not have
a clear Chinese context will not be considered for this mini-track.

*Submission Process: *
Full paper submissions must be made electronically through the AMCIS
on-line submission system (manuscript central system:
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012), by March 1st, 2012.  Submit the
manuscript using the AMCIS2012 Paper Template <
http://amcis2012.aisnet.org/images/amcis2012_paper_template.doc> Papers
should not exceed 5,000 words, including possible attachments.

*Important Dates: *
Abstracts Due: January 20, 2012 (optional)

Full Papers Due: March 1st, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: April 6th, 2012
Camera Ready Copy Due: April 25th, 2012

* *

*Mini-track Chairs:*

Dr. Xin (Robert) Luo                                                *

The University of New Mexico

Anderson School of Management

1924 Las Lomas NE, MSC05 3090

Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

*Email: Luo at mgt.unm.edu*

* *

*Dr. Wei Zhang                                               *

The University of Massachusetts Boston

College of Management

100 Morrissey Boulevard, M/5/239

Boston, MA 02125

*Email: wei.zhang at umb.edu*

*Dr. Hua Dai                                                   *

The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

College of Business Administration

1725 State Street

La Crosse, WI 54650

*Email: hdai at uwlax.edu*

*Dr. Chuan Luo*

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Laboratory for Financial Intelligence and Financial Engineering

Chengdu, China,

Email*: **cityulc at gmail.com*
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