[AISWorld] BISE Issue 1/2012 - "Internet of Energy - ICT as a Key Technology for the Energy System of the Future" - Published

Hans Ulrich Buhl hans-ulrich.buhl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
Thu Feb 9 06:46:26 EST 2012

Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE)/WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK - An
AIS Affiliated Journal <http://www.bise-journal.org>

The BISE/WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK Editor-in-Chief Hans Ulrich Buhl announces
that the 1/2012 issue "Internet of Energy - ICT as a Key Technology for the
Energy System of the Future" with guest editors Hans-Juergen Appelrath,
Orestis Terzidis, and Christof Weinhardt has been published online. This
issue is available on our website <http://www.bise-journal.org> (for our
subscribers), via the AIS eLibrary <http://aisel.aisnet.org/bise> (for AIS
members) and via SpringerLink
<http://www.springerlink.com/content/1867-0202/4/1/> (for universities with

The research papers in this issue are:

- Methods to Manage Information Sources for Software Product Managers in the
Energy Market - A Reference Model Catalog for the Energy Market by José
Manuel González Vázquez, Juergen Sauer and Hans-Juergen Appelrath

- Integrated Information Supply for Decision Support in Grid Companies by
Carsten Felden and Johannes Jakob Buder

- Cluster Analysis of Smart Metering Data - An Implementation in Practice by
Christoph Flath, David Nicolay, Tobias Conte, Clemens van Dinther and Lilia

The Catchwords in this issue are:

- Software Ecosystems by Christoph Burkard, Thomas Widjaja and Peter Buxmann

Furthermore the issue contains a "Interview with Henning Kagermann on "Smart
Grids - Information and Communication Technology as a Key Factor in a Future
Energy System"" by Hans-Juergen Appelrath as well as an Call for Papers for
Issue 5/2013 with the focus on "Green IS - Information Systems for
Environmental Sustainability" by Jan vom Brocke, Peter Loos, Stefan Seidel
and Richard T. Watson.


Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Buhl

Head of Department Information Systems Engineering & Financial Management

Academic Director Research Center
Finance & Information Management

Chairman of the Board Elite Graduate Program Finance & Information

Editor-in-Chief Journals Business & Information Systems Engineering and

University of Augsburg, D-86135 Augsburg

Phone: +49  821  598-4800 (Secretariat: -4801)
Fax:   +49  821  598-4899

mailto:Hans-Ulrich.Buhl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de


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