[AISWorld] [Ieec] IEEC2012: 2nd International Engineering Education Conference

meukonferansi at atilim.edu.tr meukonferansi at atilim.edu.tr
Thu Feb 9 03:22:50 EST 2012

2nd International Engineering Education Conference (IEEC2012)
             "New Trends and Expectations"

October 31 - November 3  2012,
Club Hotel Sera, 07160 Lara, ANTALYA, TURKEY

Dear colleague,
It will be a great pleasure for us if you contribute to the
International Engineering Education Conference (IEEC2012) which is
organized by
Atilim University, Ankara University and Southern Illinois University
The conference will be held in Antalya, Turkey in October 31  -  November
3  2012.

Hope to see you in Antalya. Please find detailed info about the conference
from http://meuk2012.atilim.edu.tr/en

Prof. Dr. İsmail Bircan
Vice President
Atılım University
Ankara, Turkey


Abstract Submission: June, 11 2012
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: June, 22 2012
Full Paper Submission:July, 20 2012
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: August, 27 2012
Camera Ready Copy Submission: September, 10 2012

Note: Please find detailed information in the attached pdf file.

Please forward to a colleague *
Apologies if you receive this message more than once!
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