[AISWorld] Extended deadline - IT & Culture - Information Systems, Culture and Globalization

Gaetan Mourmant gmourmant at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 16:02:22 EDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite your submissions to the 2nd IT & Culture workshop.

The deadline has now been extended to *March 25th.*

Please find below the call for paper.



*Call for papers*

  2^nd IT & Culture AIM workshop

  22^nd June 2012

  EM Strasbourg, France

  /Information Systems, Culture and Globalization///

*Research themes: *

*IT Culture and Organizations*

*How can IT culture federate firms and give them access to global 
markets while allowing them to remain local ?*


*Guest Speakers :*

*Pr. Dorothy LEIDNER*, Baylor University. Senior Editor, MIS Quarterly 

*Pr. Josiane Jouët*,Université Panthéon-Assas.Institut français de 
presse (IFP)

The "Association Information et Management (AIM)" organizes a research 
workshop open to practitioners, teachers and researchers in information 
systems (IS), but also in all fields related to IS. Indeed, the scope of 
IS covers specific topics (usage, sociomateriality ...) but also 
benefits from the richness of interactions with other fields in 
Management Science (Marketing, HR, Finance, Strategy, Entrepreneurship , 
...), Computer Science, Economics or Sociology.


The recent global challenges organizations have to meet in order to 
survive successfully, demands innovative and comprehensive solutions 
which include and involve information Systems. How could taking into 
account cultures (regional culture, national culture, IT culture, 
organizational culture, etc.) and IS help us answer such global 
challenges? What attributes do these cultures and IS need to possess? 
How may our theories, tools, practices and methods contribute to the 
global internationalization of a firm while allowing this firm to remain 
local? How can IS enhance such a globalization in order to make it 
harmonious, sustainable, but also respectful of the local communities? 
What alignment between Cultures and IS should be achieved in firms in 
order to facilitate such a global internationalization?

In today's globalized markets, IT have now become part of our day-to-day 
life (Jouët, 2000) and of our work life (Orlikowski and Scott, 2008), of 
our practices, of our culture. In recent years, an increasing number of 
research works (see the literature reviews of Gallivan and Srite, 2005; 
Kappos and Rivard, 2008 and Leidner and Kayworth, 2006) have studied the 
effects of culture on IT and of IT on culture. However, few works have 
investigated the concept of an IT culture whether at the individual and 
group levels (Walsh, Kefi and Baskerville) or at the organizational 
level (Kaarst-Brown and Robey, 1999). The process through which IT 
values are adopted within organizations i.e., through which IT culture 
builds up and develops has remained a black box.In order to lead firms 
toward improved performance, it appears urgent and essential to open 
this black box to help us manage IT diffusion within organizations, as 
well as their adoption and appropriation by individuals.

    Suggested themes:

Thefollowing themes are particularly welcome:

1.IT culture and organizations,

2.IT Acculturation,

3.Culture, IT culture and social networks

4.IT culture and information overload,

5.IT Acculturation,

6.Tourismand IS,

7.Information Systems: acceleratorsor solutions to global crisis 
(financial, environmental, etc.)?

8.Governanceand management of information systems from a global perspective,

9.E-business on a global scale,

10.Innovation, competitiveness and performance of IS in a global 

11.Green IT,

12.Sustainable Developmentand SI,

13.Healthand SI,


15.Cloudcomputing and Globalization,

16.Big Data


Bartis, E., and Mitev., N. A multiple narrative approach to information 
systems failure: a successful system that failed. European Journal of 
Information Systems 17(2) 2008, 112-124.

Bidan, M. 2004. Fédération et Intégration des Applications du Système 
d'Information de Gestion, Système d'Information et Management (SIM), 
Edition ESKA, Revue Trimestrielle, Vol. 9, N. 2, pp. 5-25.

Gallivan, M., and Srite M., "Information technology and culture: 
Identifying fragmentary and holistic perspectives of culture", 
/Information and Organization/, Vol. 15, 2005, pp. 295-338.

Jouët, J., « Retour critique sur la sociologie des usages », /Réseaux/ 
N° 100, 2000, pp. 498-521.

Jouët, J. « Des usages de la télématique aux Internet Studies », /in/ : 
/Communiquer à l'heure du numérique : regards croisés sur la sociologie 
des usages/, sous la direction de J. Denouël et F. Granjon, Collection 
Sciences sociales. 2011, Presses des Mines, pp. 45-90.

Kaarst-Brown, M., and Robey, D., "More on myth, magic and metaphor: 
Cultural insights into the management of information technology in 
organizations", /Information Technology and People/, Vol. 12 N° 2, 1999, 

Kalika, M., Boukef Charki, N., and Isaac, H., « La théorie du 
millefeuille. De la non-substitution entre communications électroniques 
et face à face », /Revue Française de Gestion/, Vol. 172, 2007, pp. 117-130.

Kalika, M., Boukef Charki, N., and Isaac, H., "An Empirical 
Investigation of E-mail Use versus Face-to-Face Meetings: Integrating 
the Napoleon Effect Perspective", /CAIS/, Vol. 22, 2008, pp. 501-514.

Kappos, A., and Rivard, S. "A Three-Perspective Model of Culture, 
Information Systems, and Their Development and Use", /MIS Quarterly/, 
Vol. 32, N° 3, Sept. 2008, pp. 601-634.

Keil, M., Im, G., and Mähring. M. Reporting bad news on software 
projects: the effects of culturally constituted views of face-saving. 
Information Systems Journal 17(1) 2007, pp. 59-87.

Leidner, D. "Globalization, culture, and information: Towards global 
knowledge transparency". Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 
19, 2010, pp. 69-77.

Leidner, D., and Kayworth, T., "A review of Culture in Information 
Systems Research: Toward a Theory of Information Technology Culture 
Conflict", /MIS Quarterly/, Vol. 30 No. 2, 2006, pp. 357-399.

Orlikowski, W., and Scott, S., "Sociomateriality: Challenging the 
Separation of Technology, Work and Organization". The Academy of 
Management Annals, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug. 2008, pp. 433-474

Walsh, I., Kefi, H., and Baskerville, R., "Managing Culture Creep: 
Toward a Strategic Model of User IT Culture/", /Journal of Strategic 
Information Systems, Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2010, pp. 257-280.


*_The best papers, selected by the scientific committee, will be 
proposed for publication in a special issue of an international journal_*

    Important dates

The schedule is as follows:

-Deadline for paper submissions : *March 25, 2012 (Extended deadline)*

-Authors will be notified of acceptances on or about this date: *May 5, 

-Finalized papers due: *May 30, 2012*

-IT Culture workshop at EM Business School, Strasbourg University: *June 
22, 2012*


Intentions to communicate are to be sent to:

*sylvie.gauthier at em-strasbourg.eu*


Please indicate in your email: « Journée de recherche AIM Cultures et SI 
» and give the following informations:

-Authors' first and last names

-Titles, responsibilities, and institutions of each author

-Personal details (Postal address, phone, e-mail)

*_Papers in French or English are accepted._*

    Scientific Committee

Pr. Michel KALIKA, Paris-Dauphine University

Pr. Dorothy LEIDNER, Baylor University

Pr. Josiane Jouët, Panthéon-Assas University

Pr. Marc Bidan, Nantes University

Pr. Richard BASKERVILLE, Georgia State University

Pr. Nathalie MITEV, London School of Economics

Pr. Magnus MAHRING, Stockholm School of Economics

    Organization Committee

Isabelle WALSH, Associate Professor, PhD MIS, HuManIs, EM Strasbourg

Gaëtan MOURMANT, Associate Professor, PhD MIS, HuManIs, EM Strasbourg

Wilfrid AZAN, Assistant Professor, PhD Management, HuManIs, EM Strasbourg

Jessie PALLUD, Assistant Professor, PhD MIS, HuManI,s EM Strasbourg

Alya MLAIKI, Temporary research and teaching assistant, Doctoral 
student, HuManIs, EM Strasbourg

Karine Bouvier, Research Administrator, EM Strasbourg

Sylvie Gauthier, Research Administrative Assistant, HuManIs, EM Strasbourg

Marine Julien, CCO, EM Strasbourg

Hervé Heusser, CFO, EM Strasbourg


Gaëtan Mourmant. Ph.D. Management Information Systems...
Associate Professor.
École de Management Strasbourg
Université de Strasbourg.
Bureau PE9- Bâtiment B.
61, avenue de la Forêt-Noire
f-67085 Strasbourg Cedex
e-mail: mourmant at em-strasbourg.eu

HuManiS (EA 1347)
Humans and Management in Society

Dernières publications :

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