[AISWorld] IRIS 35 Deadline Extension

Pär Ågerfalk par.agerfalk at im.uu.se
Mon Apr 16 04:34:41 EDT 2012

Dear all,

We have decided to extend the submission deadline for the 35th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 35) until April 20th, 2012. 

IRIS 35 is to be held in conjunction with the Third Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems (SCIS 2012) at Sigtunahöjden, Sweden, August 17-20, 2012. Approx. 15 mins from Stockholm Arlanda International Airport.

IRIS 35/SCIS 2012 is hosted by Uppsala University and promises to be a very exciting event on the theme "Designing the Interactive Society". The number of participants is limited and preference will be given to those with accepted papers. 

Program highlights include keynotes by Alan Hevner and Shirley Gregor and a panel on "Design Science Research: A Scandinavian Approach?", featuring the keynote speakers, Ola Henfridsson, Tuure Tuunanen, Jan Pries-Heje and Tone Bratteteig.

The IRIS series of conferences began in 1978 and is the oldest consecutive IS conference in the world. It is famous for its unreserved and egalitarian atmosphere. The structure of the conference is ideal for networking and collaboration. The conference is open not only to researchers from the Nordic countries, we particularly welcome people from other parts of the world, bringing along and sharing their views.

Visit http://iris.im.uu.se/ to learn more and to submit your paper (click "IRIS: Call for papers").

Pär Ågerfalk
General Chair of IRIS 35/SCIS 2012

Prof. Pär J. Ågerfalk, Ph.D.
Chair in Information Systems
Dean, Swedish Research School of Management and IT

Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media
P.O. Box 513
SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden

E-mail: par.agerfalk at im.uu.se
Best voice choice: +46 70 4250296 (mobile)
Office phone: +46 18 4711064
Fax: +46 18 4717867


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