[AISWorld] European Journal of Information Systems 21(3) is out. 2nd article summary 'Negotiating language barriers – a methodology for cross-organisational conceptual mode lling' ,

Myriam RAYMOND myriam.raymond1 at univ-nantes.fr
Tue Jun 12 04:05:49 EDT 2012

Dear IS colleagues,

The current issue of the European Journal of Information Systems (vol. 21,
issue 3) has been made available for free viewing on the European Journal
of Information Systems website by courtesy of the OR Society and Palgrave
MacMillan.  The following link will take you directly to the issue:


In the second article 'Negotiating language barriers – a methodology for
cross-organisational conceptual modelling', the authors Gunnar Dietz and
Martin Juhrisch from Dresden University of Technology introduce a generic
algorithm for meta business modelling called the Description Kit Approach
(DSA) that promises to overcome domain conflicts. The domain conflicts
typically arise from different language concepts, divergent cultural
backgrounds, and different levels of technical developments. Thus, such
conflicts prohibit transposing the use of the conceptual models to other
domains and gaining on modelling automation and cross-organisational
comparisons. To address this issue, the researchers suggest a modelling
algorithm that includes a middle-modelling layer as  guidelines mediating
the interactions between language definitions and uses. The suggested
algorithm is clarified through rich examples and although it imposes a
preliminary heavy codifying effort on the guidelines middle layer, it
promises more flexible and adaptive modeling concepts and expanded uses
for inter-organisational, outsourcing, and multiple business contexts.
These guidelines can be domain-specific and enable the use of a common
language in a domain specific way. Therefore, the guidelines also serve as
a bridge between different domains. In this model, description kits are
created in a new layer M0* that sits between the normal modeling layer
(for language usage) M0 and the meta-modeling layer M1 for language
creation. They serve as guidelines for the use of descriptions.
Furthermore, a description Kit Type is also defined. A description kit
type determines a concept that should undergo guidelines. Such meta
modeling is particularly relevant and useful in the information systems

Myriam Raymond
Research Assistant & PhD student

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