[AISWorld] Call for Papers: eHealth and Healthcare Service Transformation

Ajit Appari aappari at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 00:34:30 EDT 2012

Call for Papers:

*“eHealth and Healthcare Service Transformation”* [journal: *Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications*]


*Background.* With the pervasive nature of Internet-based technologies,
healthcare services are undergoing significant transformation wherein both
providers and consumers have access to information for making informed
decisions yielding the best possible outcomes. On the one hand, providers
are adopting or upgrading to state-of-the-art IT, aiming to improve
organizational efficiency, access to care, and quality of care delivered,
which lead to improved well-being for patients as consumers. For example,
community-based behavioral healthcare providers have been adopting
web-based innovations to enhance patient engagement and to help people with
substance abuse and behavioral issues. These people otherwise may not have
access to healthcare services or are reluctant to seek help in traditional
channels for care. At the same time, the ongoing liberation of healthcare
data to bring it into the public domain has energized technology vendors,
healthcare systems, start-ups, and researchers to develop new applications,
tools and products that can harness big health data to improve
provider-level clinical decision-making. On the other hand, advances in
technological solutions, such as mobile apps, are expected to empower
consumers to interact with their care providers more effectively, engage in
shared medical decision-making with providers, and access relevant
information to manage their health better. Finally, innovative applications
of information technology will have substantial impacts on improved
management of the health of large populations of people and key social
groups who are at risk, and also for improving public agencies’
capabilities for responding effectively to emergency situations.

*Purpose.* This special issue of Electronic Commerce Research and
Applications (ECRA) seeks to publish leading-edge research that
investigates how technological and methodological advances are reshaping
and transforming the healthcare sector. It will examine how recent and
emerging technological and marketplace developments support innovative
business and organizational models to meet the challenges of improved
healthcare delivery.

*Editors.* This call for papers will yield one special issue that will be
developed and co-edited by:

·         *Ajit Appari,* Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA,
ajit.appari at dartmouth.edu

·         *Xia Zhao*, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA,
x_zhao3 at uncg.edu

The sponsoring editor for this special issue is *Robert J. Kauffman*,
ECRA’s Editor-in-Chief.

Topics. The special issue seeks analytical, empirical, experimental, and
case study-based research that contributes to theory building, and should
have practical implications. Interdisciplinary studies that are relevant to
e-commerce in healthcare are especially welcome. Relevant topics include:

·         Challenges and opportunities in health information exchanges for
healthcare services provision and population health

·         Data-driven methods to improve healthcare service operations and
patient treatment

·         Economics of information security and privacy in healthcare

·         Electronic communities and online social networks for providers,
patients and consumers

·         Impacts of public and private infrastructure, and health info
exchanges on the healthcare market

·         IT-enabled mechanisms that improve the healthcare delivery process

·         IT-enabled workplace wellness programs

·         Market-based competition for online healthcare services

·         Modeling coordination issues among healthcare stakeholders in the
e-health record environment

·         Roles of emerging technologies and infrastructure in healthcare,
such as telemedicine, telemonitoring, and wearable devices

·         Roles of IS in engaging patients in effective medical
decision-making processes

·         Roles of IS in improving healthcare service quality and reducing
clinical errors

·         Roles of IS in improving intraorganizational and
interorganizational clinical supply chains

*Submission Deadline. *The development window for this issue opens on
September 15, 2012, and papers must be submitted no later than March 15,
2013. Authors are encouraged but not required to submit an extended
abstract (of no more than three pages) to the Special Issue Editors as a
means to gauge their interest and get suggestions on developing an
effective paper. Papers will be assigned for review as they are received,
and acceptance decisions will be made on a rolling basis over time, as
appropriate to the development of high quality research for publication.

For Further details on submission guidelines, review process, and
publication details are available at:




Ajit Appari, PhD

Research Fellow,

Center for Digital Strategies at Tuck School of Business

Dartmouth College

Phone: 603.646.6473

Fax: 603.646.0900

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