[AISWorld] CFP dg.o 2013 Digital Government

Luis Felipe Luna Reyes luisf.luna at udlap.mx
Mon Sep 3 20:32:40 EDT 2012

                                                                     C A L  L   F O R   P A P E R S
                                                                  (See attachment for details)

            14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2013)

                                                  From e-Government to Smart Government

                                                          Laval University, Quebec city, QC
                                                     Monday - Thursday, June 17-20, 2013

                                                  DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Feb 1, 2013

                                                  General inquiries: dgo2013 at easychair.org
                                                            Twitter: DGSociety, #dgo2013
              Paper submissions: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dgo2013

The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2013). The dg.o meetings are an established forum for the presentation, discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary e-Government research, technology innovation, applications, and practice. Each year the conference combines:
. Presentations of effective partnerships and collaborations among government professionals and agencies, university researchers, relevant businesses, and NGOs, as well as grassroots citizen groups, to advance the practice of e-Government. 
. Presentations and discussions on new research on e-Government as an interdisciplinary domain that lies at the intersections of information technology research, social and behavioral science research, and the challenges and missions of government. 
. Practice regarding e-Government projects, implementations, and initiatives that bring together the research and practitioner communities, demonstrate the effectiveness and/or challenges of e-Government, and offer best practices. 

Governments today face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. New technologies provide governments with the opportunity to redefine the relationship between government and the public that they serve, create innovative public services, provide customer-focused services, encourage transparency, promote participatory democracy, facilitate the co-design of services, form new partnerships in service delivery, streamline operations and reduce costs, and build trust in government. But harnessing and implementing technologies effectively raise a number of policy, technology, and governance challenges. This year, the conference program will focus on research and practice related to issues related to the adoption of smart technologies by governments, citizens and other private organizations and non-profits. More and more, the adoption of smart technologies by citizens and organizations is opening new opportunities for creating public-private partnerships to improve current governm  ent serv

ces as well as to create new, innovative ones.

Submissions addressing this theme could include but are not limited to: smart technologies for governments, semantic technologies for e-government, web services applications, open and transparent government; social media and public participation; effective use of social media by governments; crowd sourcing for government decision making; transformative government; models of collaboration among government, industry, NGOs, and citizens; data integration, visualizations, and analytics for government decision making; agile and flexible government; financial/economic/social policy making; government productivity and effectiveness; service quality and customer-centric e-Government; social and health infrastructure; global government collaboration models and practices; infrastructure for data sharing among government agencies; computing infrastructure models, cyber-security and project management; IT-enabled government management and operations, and interest in program execution; IT
  and too

s to support government security; and methods to measure and evaluate success in e-Government.

In addition, we welcome submissions from the broader domain of digital government research. We invite completed research papers, papers describing management and practice, policy, and case studies, on-going research posters, and live demonstrations that demonstrate the use of technology to promote innovative e-Government services. We particularly encourage submissions on interdisciplinary and crosscutting topics. We also encourage the submission of suggestions for panels, and pre-conference tutorials and workshops. 

Accepted papers are published in the ACM Proceedings Digital Library, and selected papers will appear in leading journals such as Government Information Quarterly and Information Polity.

. February 1, 2013 - Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals due . March 15, 2013 - Application deadline for 2013 Doctoral Colloquium . March 15, 2013 - Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panel proposals notifications . March 30, 2013 - Posters and demo proposals due . April 15, 2013 - Camera-ready manuscripts due . April 15, 2013 - Notification for acceptance into 2012 Doctoral Colloquium . April 15, 2013 - Poster and demo acceptance notifications . May 15, 2013 - Early registration closes! 
. May 20, 2013 - Conference hotel block closes - make your bookings before this deadline! 
. June 17-20, 2013 - dg.o 2013 conference!

Luis F. Luna Reyes
Profesor Asociado
Departamento de Administración de Empresas luisf.luna at udlap.mx
Teléfono: +52(222) 229 20 00 Ext. 4536  Edificio: CS Oficina: 213 F
Twitter: @luisfluna

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