[AISWorld] CFP Cyber Behavior

Dr. Wang wangson at mail.ntpu.edu.tw
Wed Sep 5 01:31:56 EDT 2012

2nd. CB2012 Call for papers
2nd. International Symposium on Cyber Behavior (2nd. CB2012)
(In conjunction with International Conference on Applied and Theoretical
Information Systems Research)

Submission Deadline: September 10, 2012
Conference Dates: December 27-29, 2012


The International Symposium on Cyber Behavior will be held on December
27-29, 2012, at the Grand Hotel, Taipei (http://www.grand-hotel.org/),
Taiwan. This symposium aims to provide a forum for researchers and
practitioners to exchange research results on cyberbehavior.

The upcoming 2nd. CB2012 symposium covers, but not limited to the following

Social networking behavior on Google+, Facebook, MySpace, and others
Blogging behavior
Computer-mediated communication
Cyberbullying and Internet Abuse
e-Health issues
Internet advertising
Internet consumer behavior
Internet porn, Cybersex and Cybering
Mobile Commerce
Mobile device behavior, such as tablet computers, iPhone, Android, Kindle
Online dating behavior
Online shopping
Online market survey
Online Word-of-mouth
Video games, computer games, and online games
Video sharing, such as Youtube and others
Virtual Communities

Competitive Paper Award
About twenty to twenty five percent (20%-25%) accepted full papers will be
selected as "Competitive Papers". The "Competitive Papers" list will be
announced in conference program. Authors will receive a certificate.

Publication Opportunities

All submitted papers will be reviewed using the double-blind method. The
papers accepted for presentations at the conference will be further
evaluated for possible submission to the following journals collaborating
with our conference.

The Journal designated to this conference include:

International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies (IJECS) (ISSN:
Contemporary Management Research (CMR)(ISSN: 1813-5498)
International Journal of Cyber Society and Education(IJCSE) (ISSN:

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: September 10, 2012
Acceptance Notification: October 1, 2012
Registration Deadline: November 1, 2012
Conference Dates: December 27-29, 2012


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