[AISWorld] PhD course at Aalborg University

Jeremy Rose jeremy at cs.aau.dk
Mon Oct 8 09:40:35 EDT 2012

The Department of Computing Science at Aalborg University is pleased to
announce a PhD course in Information Systems Development as Engaged

The course will focus on some different research modes available for
conducting engaged systems development as research.  ‘Engaged’, in this
context, signals that the software development effort is conducted
with outside partners - often a development company, a group of users, or
a target organisation.  There are three prevalent traditions in
Scandinavia; Participative (user-centered) Design, Action Research and
Design Research and we introduce the particular
form which is developed at Aalborg University:  Socio-Interactive Design.
·       Engaged Scholarship
·       Participative Design
·       Action Research
·       Design Science
·       Socio-interactive design
We also cover data collection and documentation, data analysis tools and
techniques and identifying and presenting contributions, which have many
features in common.

The course is targeted at students who plan to be involved with some
programming or system development work with external partners as part of
their PhD studies, or who have already done this.

Lecturers: Professor Rikard Lindgren, IT University of Gothenburg,
Associate Professor Jeremy Rose, University of Aalborg

ECTS: 21Ž2

Time: November 12-14, 2012

Place: room 0.1.12, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University,
Selma Lagerløfs Vej 300, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark

Deadline: (for registration) October 19, 2012

The course website is under

There are no tuition fees but students are expected to pay for their own
transport and accommodation.  There
is however a late cancellation fee of DK5000.

Please register here:


Further enquiries to:

Jeremy Rose
Room 5.2.50
Dept. of Computer Science
Aalborg University

Selma Lagerløfs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg
0045 9940 8917
Skype address: jeremyrose270154
Fax: 0045 9940 9798

Jeremy Rose
Room 5.2.50
Dept. of Computer Science
Aalborg University

Selma Lagerløfs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg
0045 9940 8917
Skype address: jeremyrose270154
Fax: 0045 9940 9798

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