[AISWorld] Live, Online PLS Path Modeling Workshop

Geoffrey Hubona ghubona at gmail.com
Sun Oct 21 21:51:56 EDT 2012

The PLS Institute (http://pls-institute.org) in cooperation with SmartPLS (
is offering a live, online, interactive, "hands-on" 8-hour, two-session PLS
Path Modeling workshop.
Presented twice, the dates are Jan 8-9 @ 6PM ET (for Australia and NZ) and
again Jan 10-11 @ 9AM ET.
Early registration costs (before Dec 1) are $150 students, $250
Early-early registrants (before Nov 17) also receive, within 48 hours of
substantial PLS path modeling courseware and related materials from
University program.
Please see http://www.pls-institute.org/PLS_Workshops.html for all details
and/or email geoff at pls-institute.org
Geoff Hubona, Ph.D.
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