[AISWorld] Call for Papers: SIDeR 2013, Aarhus University, April 9-10, 2013

Peter Dalsgaard dalsgaard at cavi.dk
Mon Dec 17 08:09:53 EST 2012

*Call for Papers: SIDeR 2013, Aarhus University, Denmark, April **9-10,**

*9th Student Interaction Design Research conference *

http://sider2013.au.dk - Find us on Facebook too!

*Theme: Empowering Interactions*

The conference theme for the *9th* *Student Interaction Design Research
conference* (SIDeR’13) is *Empowering Interactions*. Interaction design is
now pervasive in all areas of life and there are few activities that are
not in some way augmented, supported or even made possible by information
technology. People from all walks of life are influenced by technology and
in turn influence, appropriate or simply love technology. This has led to
new opportunities for empowering people through technology, as well as
helping people create technology that empowers themselves or others. This
can be seen both as a democratic endeavour that opens up the world of
information technology to everyone, as well as a pragmatic way of ensuring
that products are actually used after their creation.

At the SIDeR’13 conference we invite everyone to submit work highlighting
different forms of empowering interactions. You are free to interpret our
theme as you see fit – it is a theme, not a stringent formula to be
fulfilled. We welcome case studies, theoretical musings and couplings of
theory and practical work.

*Call for papers*

We invite three different types of submissions:

1) *Papers*. Papers must not exceed 4 pages (~2000 words) in length
following the standard ACM format. The authors will present the papers
orally on stage for 10 minutes, and the presentations are grouped in
sessions with other related papers.

2) *Posters*. Posters should be submitted as a .pdf file and must also
include and accompanying description, which must not exceed 2 pages in
length following the standard ACM format. Posters will be presented in
dedicated poster sessions.

3) *Demos*. Demos can be submitted by sending a technical description,
which must not exceed 2 pages in length following the standard ACM format.
Demos will be presented in dedicated demo sessions.


Suggested topics for papers include but are not limited to:

Participatory Design

Design Process

Human-Computer Interaction

Ubiquitous Computing

Multimodal Interaction

Tangible User Interfaces

Aesthetics of Interaction

Experimental Design Game Design

Design Methods

Interaction Techniques

Information visualization

Design cases

Mobile computing


Papers must be submitted as a pdf-file to
submissions at sider2013.au.dkbefore February 1st 2013, with the subject
header: SIDER Submission. The
email should be sent to all of the co-authors, so that we can reply to all
of you. The submitted papers must follow the standard ACM

format www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. Notice of acceptance
will be sent out March 1st at the latest. You are welcome to contact the
conference organizers for additional information at info at sider2013.au.dk


For a better experience of the conference we would also like you to attach
to your submission:

A photo of each author, a short bio, a cover photo/image of your project,
and links to relevant portfolios or social network profiles of the authors
so that conference participants can find out more information about your
design interests (author photos should be a least 200×200px, cover photos
at least 400x400px).

*See you in Aarhus!*

Peter Dalsgaard, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Marianne Graves Petersen

Program Chairs
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