[AISWorld] ECIS 2014 -- Call for Track Proposals -- Deadline February 15, 2013

Schultze, Ulrike uschultz at mail.cox.smu.edu
Fri Dec 21 10:53:10 EST 2012

Call for Track Proposals ECIS 2014 - Deadline February 15, 2013

The 22nd European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2014
June 9-11, 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel
www.ecis2014.eu<http://www.ecis2014.eu> (coming soon)

Conference Theme: Digital Work, Digital Life
Building on the theme “Digital Work, Digital Life,” ECIS 2014 seeks to make the exploration of the opportunities and challenges associated with increasing digitalization in both our work and everyday lives a key focus. The theme evokes a wide range of research areas, for example, digital innovation and design, mobility-leveraging and location-based business models, big data analytics, and many more.  We hereby invite members of the IS community to propose tracks for ECIS 2014.

Track Proposals for ECIS 2014 -- Due February 15, 2013
Track proposals should provide a motivation for the track, a brief overview of the research area, sample topics, types of contributions welcomed, and an assessment of the overall appeal to conference attendees. Specifically, track proposals should include:

1) A title for the conference track
2) Names, e-mail addresses, affiliations, phone numbers, website URLs, and short bios of the two to three track co-chairs. Please designate one of the co-chairs as the primary contact person.
3) A short description of the track and its focus: define the proposed area of research, explain why it is important to include it as an ECIS conference track, and discuss the topics the track will address and how they align with the ECIS 2014 conference theme “Digital Work, Digital Life”.
4) A discussion on what types of contributions are sought for: full research papers, research in progress papers, prototypes and technology demonstrations.  Please note: ECIS 2014 will have a separate track for teaching cases.
5) A list of tentative Associate Editors for the proposed track (between 5 and 15). Please provide names and affiliations, and indicate whether you have secured their commitment to serving as AEs for your track.
6) Any additional information relevant to the evaluation of the track proposal, e.g., the track co-chairs’ prior experience with organizing tracks at other academic conference.

Please submit your track proposals to ecis2014 at gmail.com<mailto:ecis2014 at gmail.com> by February 15, 2013.

Track Proposal Evaluation
Once the track proposals are received, they will be reviewed by an evaluation committee that consists of the ECIS 2014 conference and program chairs. This committee will base its acceptance decisions on the overall merit of the track proposal, the diversity of the track team and the track’s fit with the conference theme. With the objective of creating an interesting program that will attract participants from diverse geographic regions and a broad range of the intellectual sub-fields of IS, the ECIS 2014 evaluation committee will seek to balance the more traditional IS topics with emerging areas of interest. To this end, the committee might ask proposers to revise their track proposals. Additionally, if the overlap between proposals is high, the committee might encourage track proposers to join forces and merge their tracks in order to obtain the best possible coverage of topics and the best mix of track chairs.

Notifications of track proposal acceptance will be sent out in the latter half of March 2013.

Responsibilities of Track Chairs
The submission of ECIS 2014 track proposal implies that pending acceptance the prospective co-chairs agree to the following track chair responsibilities:
1) Promote the track and take sufficient measures to solicit an adequate number of submissions.
2) Organize a peer review cycle for the papers submitted to their track assisted by a set of Associate Editors. Track chairs will need to recruit associate editors who will then identify two/three reviewers for each submission they are assigned. AEs will also write a summary review report and make a recommendation on a submission’s acceptance to ECIS 2014.  The reviewing process will be supported by an electronic submission and reviewing system.
3) Propose to the program committee the papers that will eventually be accepted for inclusion into the conference program; and nominate papers for the best paper award
4) Create an attractive track program by clustering papers into sessions; and secure session chairs.
5) Liaise with the research chairs on all other matters that concern ECIS 2014.

We look forward to receiving your ECIS 2014 track proposals!

Conference Chairs:
Dov Te’eni, Tel Aviv U. <teeni at post.tau.ac.il>
Chrisanthi Avgerou, London School of Economics  <C.Avgerou at lse.ac.uk>

Program Chairs:
Michel Avital, Copenhagen Business School, <michel at avital.net>
Jan Marco Leimeister, U. Kassel & U. St Gallen <leimeister at uni-kassel.de>
Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist U. & Lund U. <uschultz at smu.edu>

Ulrike Schultze                                           Tel: 214-768-4265
ITOM, Cox School of Business              Fax: 214-768-4099
Southern Methodist University           uschultz at smu.edu<applewebdata://F1ECACF7-F993-4738-BB00-6372C4563189/uschultz@smu.edu>
PO Box 750333,   Dallas, TX 75275-0333

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