[AISWorld] Call for ECIS 2013 Panel Proposals

Yves Pigneur yves.pigneur at unil.ch
Sun Dec 30 02:10:11 EST 2012

Call for ECIS 2013 Panel Proposals

As you know, ECIS is one of the premier venues for IS researchers from Europe and beyond. We invite proposals for panels that provide a forum to present, explore, and debate timely provocative topics and emergent trends in the IS discipline. Panel sessions complement the regular conference program by allowing for the discussion of emerging or controversial issues as well as new research ideas. Panels should inform or challenge the IS community, bringing together at least four experts offering new and/or controversial insights. Panel sessions are 90 minutes long.
The panel proposal should include the following and not exceed 3000 words:

• Panel title and abstract
• Statement of the panel topic: What is the theme of the panel and why is it relevant and important? Who is the target audience and what will they get from attending the panel? How does the panel contribute to the conference and its theme?
• Overview of participants: Who are the panelists and what are their affiliations? What positions will each panelist represent in the panel? Who will be the panel moderator? Include a link to the CVs of the moderator and panelists. The participation of all panel participants must be confirmed prior to submitting the proposal.
• Statement of panel structure: How will the panel be structured? How will the panel stimulate and engage the audience in an intellectual discussion and debate?
We encourage panel organizers to propose ways in which to ensure the effective communication of ideas and liveliness of audience engagement. For example, the posting online of full texts of papers or remarks by the panelists prior to the conference might serve this purpose.

Friday March 1st (fixed, no extension): Panel submission date
Friday March 29st: Panel Chairs notify authors reject/accept/revise:
Friday, April 12th: Submission of Revised Panel proposals: 
Friday April 26th : Final acceptance decisions and publication on the homepage

The panel co-chairs welcome requests to discuss panel ideas prior to submission. Panel proposals are to be submitted using the review system.

Robin Teigland 
Stockholm School of Economics
Robin.Teigland at hhs.se
Yves Pigneur
University of Lausanne
yves.pigneur at unil.ch

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