[AISWorld] Newly published papers of JCSE (Dec. 2012)

JCSE OFFICE office at kiise.org
Wed Jan 2 02:25:10 EST 2013

Dear Colleague:


We are pleased to announce the release of a new issue of Journal of
Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), published by the Korean Institute
of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE). KIISE is the largest
organization for computer scientists in Korea with over 4000 active


Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE) is a peer-reviewed
quarterly journal that publishes high-quality papers on all aspects of
computing science and engineering. JCSE aims to foster communication
between academia and industry within the rapidly evolving field of
Computing Science and Engineering. The journal is intended to promote
problem-oriented research that fuses academic and industrial expertise. The
journal focuses on emerging computer and information technologies
including, but not limited to, embedded computing, ubiquitous computing,
convergence computing, green computing, smart and intelligent computing,
and human computing. JCSE publishes original research contributions,
surveys, and experimental studies with scientific advances.


Please take a look at our new issue posted at http://jcse.kiise.org
<http://jcse.kiise.org/> . All the papers can be downloaded from the Web



The contents of the latest issue of Journal of Computing Science and
Engineering (JCSE)

Official Publication of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and

Volume 6, Number 4, December 2012


pISSN: 1976-4677

eISSN: 2093-8020


* JCSE web page: http://jcse.kiise.org

* e-submission: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcse


Editor in Chief: Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania)

Il-Yeol Song (Drexel University) 

Jong C. Park (KAIST)

Taewhan Kim (Seoul National University)



JCSE, vol. 6, no. 4, December 2012


[Paper One]

- Title: Design and Implementation of a Framework for Context-Aware
Preference Queries

- Authors: Patrick Roocks, Markus Endres, Alfons Huhn, Werner Kießling,
Stefan Mandl

- Keyword: Databases; Preferences; Context awareness; Personalization


- Abstract

In this paper we present a framework for a novel kind of context-aware
preference query composition whereby queries for the Preference SQL system
are created. We choose a commercial e-business platform for outdoor
activities as a use case and develop a context model for this domain within
our framework. The suggested model considers explicit user input, domain-
specific knowledge, contextual knowledge and location-based sensor data in
a comprehensive approach. Aside from the theoretical background of
preferences, the optimization of preference queries and our novel generator
based model we give special attention to the aspects of the implementation
and the practical experiences. We provide a sketch of the implementation
and summarize our user studies which have been done in a joint project with
an industrial partner.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.243-256



[Paper Two]

- Title: Design Methodologies for Reliable Clock Networks

- Authors: Deokjin Joo, Minseok Kang, Taewhan Kim

- Keyword: Clock design; System reliability; System-on-chip; Embedded


- Abstract

This paper overviews clock design problems related to the circuit
reliability in deep submicron design technology. The topics include the
clock polarity assignment problem for reducing peak power/ground noise,
clock mesh network design problem for tolerating clock delay variation,
electromagnetic interference aware clock optimization problem, adjustable
delay buffer allocation and assignment problem to support multiple voltage
mode designs, and the state encoding problem for reducing peak current in
sequential elements. The last topic belongs to finite state machine (FSM)
design and is not directly related to the clock design, but it can be
viewed that reducing noise at the sequential elements driven by clock
signal is contained in the spectrum of reliable circuit design from the
clock source down to sequential elements.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.257-266



[Paper Three]

- Title: Static Timing Analysis of Shared Caches for Multicore Processors

- Authors: Wei Zhang, Jun Yan

- Keyword: Performance; Reliability; WCET analysis; Multicore processors;
Unified caches


- Abstract

The state-of-the-art techniques in multicore timing analysis are limited to
analyze multicores with shared instruction caches only. This paper proposes
a uniform framework to analyze the worst-case performance for both shared
instruction caches and data caches in a multicore platform. Our approach is
based on a new concept called address flow graph, which can be used to
model both instruction and data accesses for timing analysis. Our
experiments, as a proof-of-concept study, indicate that the proposed
approach can accurately compute the worst-case performance for real-time
threads running on a dual-core processor with a shared L2 cache (either to
store instructions or data).


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.267-278



[Paper Four]

- Title: High Performance Computing: Infrastructure, Application, and

- Authors: Byung-Hoon Park, Youngjae Kim, Byoung-Do Kim, Taeyoung Hong,
Sungjun Kim, John K. Lee

- Keyword: High performance computing; Supercomputer; Parallel file system;
Green technology


- Abstract

The last decades have witnessed an increasingly indispensible role of high
performance computing (HPC) in science, business and financial sectors, as
well as military and national security areas. To introduce key aspects of
HPC to a broader community, an HPC session was organized for the first time
ever for the United States and Korea Conference (UKC) during 2012. This
paper summarizes four invited talks that each covers scientific HPC
applications, large-scale parallel file systems, administration/maintenance
of supercomputers, and green technology towards building power efficient
supercomputers of the next generation.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.280-286



[Paper Five]

- Title: A Comparative Performance Study for Compute Node Sharing

- Authors: Jeho Park, Shui F. Lam

- Keyword: Resource sharing; Resource allocation; Time-sharing cluster; Job
scheduling; High performance computing; Percentage slowdown


- Abstract

We introduce a methodology for the study of the application-level
performance of time-sharing parallel jobs on a set of compute nodes in high
performance clusters and report our findings. We assume that parallel jobs
arriving at a cluster need to share a set of nodes with the jobs of other
users, in that they must compete for processor time in a time-sharing
manner and other limited resources such as memory and I/O in a space-
sharing manner. Under the assumption, we developed a methodology to
simulate job arrivals to a set of compute nodes, and gather and process
performance data to calculate the percentage slowdown of parallel jobs. Our
goal through this study is to identify a better combination of jobs that
minimize performance degradations due to resource sharing and contention.
Through our experiments, we found a couple of interesting behaviors for
overlapped parallel jobs, which may be used to suggest alternative job
allocation schemes aiming to reduce slowdowns that will inevitably result
due to resource sharing on a high performance computing cluster. We suggest
three job allocation strategies based on our empirical results and propose
further studies of the results using a supercomputing facility at the San
Diego Supercomputing Center.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.287-293



[Paper Six]

- Title: Computational Methods for On-Node Performance Optimization and
Inter-Node Scalability of HPC Applications

- Authors: Byoung-Do Kim, Carlos Rosales-Fernandez, Sungho Kim

- Keyword: Application optimization; Scalability; Performance engineering;
Computational modeling


- Abstract

In the age of multi-core and specialized accelerators in high performance
computing (HPC) systems, it is critical to understand application
characteristics and apply suitable optimizations in order to fully utilize
advanced computing system. Often time, the process involves multiple stages
of application performance diagnosis and a trial-and-error type of approach
for optimization. In this study, a general guideline of performance
optimization has been demonstrated with two class-representing
applications. The main focuses are on node-level optimization and inter-
node scalability improvement. While the number of optimization case studies
is somewhat limited in this paper, the result provides insights into the
systematic approach in HPC applications performance engineering.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.294-309



[Paper Seven]

- Title: Algorithm for Improving the Computing Power of Next Generation
Wireless Receivers

- Authors: Syed S. Rizvi

- Keyword: Computing power; DS-CDMA systems; Power efficiency; Wireless
communications; Wireless receive


- Abstract

Next generation wireless receivers demand low computational complexity
algorithms with high computing power in order to perform fast signal
detections and error estimations. Several signal detection and estimation
algorithms have been proposed for next generation wireless receivers which
are primarily designed to provide reasonable performance in terms of signal
to noise ratio (SNR) and bit error rate (BER). However, none of them have
been chosen for direct implementation as they offer high computational
complexity with relatively lower computing power. This paper presents a low-
complexity power-efficient algorithm that improves the computing power and
provides relatively faster signal detection for next generation wireless
multiuser receivers. Measurement results of the proposed algorithm are
provided and the overall system performance is indicated by BER and the
computational complexity. Finally, in order to verify the low-complexity of
the proposed algorithm we also present a formal mathematical proof.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
rent_Issues>  vol. 6, no. 4, pp.310-319



[Call For Papers]

Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), published by the
Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) is devoted
to the timely dissemination of novel results and discussions on all aspects
of computing science and engineering, divided into Foundations, Software &
Applications, and Systems & Architecture. Papers are solicited in all areas
of computing science and engineering. See JCSE home page at
http://jcse.kiise.org <http://jcse.kiise.org/>  for the subareas.

The journal publishes regularly submitted papers, invited papers, selected
best papers from reputable conferences and workshops, and thematic issues
that address hot research topics. Potential authors are invited to submit
their manuscripts electronically, prepared in PDF files, through
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcse, where ScholarOne is used for on-line
submission and review. Authors are especially encouraged to submit papers
of around 10 but not more than 30 double-spaced pages in twelve point type.
The corresponding author's full postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and
FAX numbers as well as current affiliation information must be given on the
manuscript. Further inquires are welcome at JCSE Editorial Office,
<mailto:office at kiise.org> office at kiise.org (phone: +82-2-588-9240; FAX: +82-


 Yeon-Joo Song (Ms.)           * E-mail :  <mailto:yjsong at kiise.org>
yjsong at kiise.org

* Tel : +82-2-588-9240        * Fax : +82-2-521-1352

[KIISE JCSE Editorial Office]      <http://jcse.kiise.org/>

[Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers]


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